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  • 1.  Reminder: Mtg today: RSVP if possible

    Posted 09-11-2007 13:20
    Hi folks,
    We know we won't have Alessandro today, and I know Werner is busy, 
    too, though I didn't ask if he was available for today's meeting when 
    I requested an update on diagram revisions.
    So, if you can RSVP, I would appreciate it. There are several 
    administrative things that Tim and I can discuss, but unless we are 
    going to have at least 3 attendees, it doesn't make sense to work on 
    the issues. I will wait till the last minute to upload the next 
    version of the IssuesList with the latest notes on Issues that have 
    been included in the next full revision of the specification document 
    that I'm working on.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 2.  RE: [emergency-msg] Reminder: Mtg today: RSVP if possible

    Posted 09-11-2007 13:44
     I am actually available today. 
    I will be on the call at 1230
    Gary A. Ham 
    Senior Research Scientist
    Battelle Stafford Operations
    703-869-6241 (cell)
    "If nobody uses it, it ain't a standard."