OASIS Emergency Management TC

Fwd: EIC Meeting 5.18.06 1pm-3pm

  • 1.  Fwd: EIC Meeting 5.18.06 1pm-3pm

    Posted 05-16-2006 23:44
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    emergency message

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    Subject: Fwd: EIC Meeting 5.18.06 1pm-3pm

    TC Members are invited to attend the EIC meeting if they want.  The following shows the call in details and the attachment contains the agenda.  Elysa

    EIC EC Members,


    Please find the agenda for Thursday's meeting attached to this email.


    The Meeting is Thursday, May 18, 2006 from 1-3:00pm ET.  You can attend in person at the COMCARE offices (1701 K St. NW Washington, DC) or by phone using 1-712-432-2000 and pin number 20006.




    EIC 5 18 06 Meeting Agenda.doc


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