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Subject: RE: Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Ballot
Eliot, Below is the OASIS response to the question you raised. I am
copying the list in case the membership wants to entertain the suggestion
below. Our next opportunity to address this as a TC will be during the
10/4/05 meeting. The balloting period is open until this Friday. If there
is sufficient interest, we can call a special meeting before Friday to
discuss. Please provide your feedback. Elysa Jones, Chair
At 09:05 AM 9/25/2005, Mary McRae wrote:
> Hi Elysa,
> No, there is no way to make any changes to the document once it has
> been submitted for member vote. All errata are non-normative.
>Part of the reason for extending the public review to 60 days was that
>these types of comments would come in during the review
>period rather than while a document was out for vote.
> You can let the "no" vote stand, make the necessary change, and then
> resubmit for standard vote - while delaying the final result,
>if this is a critical issue it sounds like the best course of action.
> I'm cc'ing Jamie in case there's another alternative I'm overlooking.
> >