Another from Gary...
> From: "Ham, Gary A" <hamg@BATTELLE.ORG>
> To: 'R. Allen Wyke' <>
> Subject: RE: [emergency] Re: GCN Daily Updates Story: Uncle Sam issues dat a-sharing standards for medical info
> Date: 09 Apr 2003 16:34:41 -0400
> HL7 is an EDI standard with a long history. I believe that there is also an
> object model based upon the standard. I used it when I worked on the DoD
> Computer Based Patient Record prototyping effort which was the precursor to
> the announced work below. The information structures are pretty strong.
> Since I have not seen it in about three years, I would not be surprised if
> they have built an XML translation of the standards. That said, it is a
> Commercial standard. You are supposed to buy it in order to use it.
> R/S
> Gary Ham
> P.s. I still need to change my e-mail at OASIS in order to post. I am
> receiving posts, however.