Dear Rodolfo,
I have been testing your tool with some of the files of the test suite (core>valid, in-out, invalid). I have also tested with some sample 1.2 files. I think this tool would be very valuable for the community of XLIFF
Here are some suggestions for future developments:
1. In the error messages, it would be good to include the line number to help the user to quickly locate the error(s).
2. I think that it would be good also to provide a general sentence with links to the official spec (and the TC comment mailing list, for example), so the user can better understand the nature of the error and find the
official documentation/information to solve it.
On another note, I have found that in a few files of the test suite there are some <target> elements that do not contain the correct translation. For example, in file nonEmptySkeletonWithoutHref.xlf ,
the text in the <target> element is not the real French translation of the <source> element:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en" trgLang="fr">
<file id="f1">
<skeleton href= >
<unit id="1">
<target> target </target>
I have wrote down all the files that have this issue, we can discuss it in the next meeting, and if we consider this an error, we can fix this it when we will update the test suite.
Best regards,
De : <>
De la part de Rodolfo M. Raya
Envoyà : 20 January 2021 17:28
à : Objet : [xliff] Online validation for XLIFF
The initial implementation for the online XLIFF validator suggested yesterday by Yoshito is now available at /
Source code is on GitHub, at The validator is based on OpenXLIFF filters and published under the same license terms, Eclipse Public License (EPL).
The validator page has a button for selecting a file and validation results are published as soon as you upload something.
There is no text explaining what the tool does and how to interpret the results. I'll need your input on the text to put in that page.
Best regards,
Rodolfo M. Raya
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