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Subject: Re: [office] OpenDocument v1.1 Committee Draft 1
Hi Michael & TC members,
Thank you for the update & this draft that includes work to address the
accessibility issues our audit turned up.
The accessibility SC has been looking at an "accessibility
implementation guide" - to note issues that we would like ODF
application implementors to be aware of and to make provisions for. The
three topics in Appendix E of the ODF v1.1 committee draft spec. are
great; it's just that we have quite a bit more than this that we'd like
to see included (but whose text isn't writen yet).
Can you give us any advise on how to proceed? Should we attempt to
rapidly finish this work so as to have it in Appendix E of the ODF v1.1
spec.? Or should we work on a companion document instead (that Appendix
E might simply reference)?
You can view our outline for this appendix at:
Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Dear TC members,
> I have just uploaded OpenDocument v1.1 Committee Draft 1 in the following
> formats:
> OpenDocument:
> (tagged) PDF:
> HTML (zipped):
> I have further extracted the schemas from the committee draft, they are
> available at:
> Schema:
> Strict Schema:
> Manifest Schema:
> Best regards
> Michael
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