OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem

    Posted 11-12-2001 19:04
    Title: RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem David,   Martin Sachs response shows how I would use a URL to identify both the company and the internal company 'routing'.   In your example puporting to convey a 'DUNS' number, their would not be a textual appendage to the DUNS number.  The DUNS number would identify botht he Company and the internal company 'routing'.  My recollection is that the DUNS 'appendage is four digits long (DUNS+4), where the last four digits identifies the internal routing.    Other companies might use some other means to represent 'internal routing' (E.g., a telephone number (or extension thereof).    I guess I do not appreciate your concern that the recipient  might not even be able to recognize the sending party.      - The end user application identifies the sender from the appliction data (the payload) in some manner outside the scope of  TRP    - If the MSH has need to identify the sender it may do so by looking up the 'PartyID' in a table of acceptable 'PartyID's.  I don't know why the MSH would have this need, but the solution to the need is certainly straightforward.   Cheers,             Bob