• 1.  DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 25 March 2009

    Posted 03-26-2009 16:17
    DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 25 March 2009
    The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday,
    25 March 2009 at 1:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT,
    18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+, 11:30p India+) for 70
    1. Roll call
    Present: Paul Grosso, Scott Hudson, Dick Hamilton,
    Richard Kwan, Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.
    Absent: Jim Earley, Keith Falhgren, Patricia Gee, Nancy
    Harrison, Corey Leong, Dave Pawson, John Pederson,
    Pine Zhang
    Regrets:  Gershon Joseph, Jirka Kosek
    We have a quorum of voting members.
    2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
    3. Next meeting: 15 April 2009
    4. Review of the agenda.
    Add three items: 7.1, 10.1 and 10.2
    5. Review of open action items
      a. Bob to organize TDG reading after names are fixed.
      b. Norm to write up a backwards compatibility policy document.
      c. Norm to incorporate group parameter change (RFE 1998852) into the 
         for 5.1.
      d. Norm to ask mailing list about 'rep' on methodparam.
      e. Norm to update OASIS site for 5.0 spec and schema.
      f. Norm to update spec to include public and system identifiers
         for the 5.0 DTD version.
      g. Jirka to add schema comparison table to DocBook 5.0 Transition Guide.
      h. Norm to add floatstyle attribute to sidebar for 5.1.
      i. Norm to write up proposed content model for initializer.
      j. Norm to add subtitle to sidebar for 5.1.
      k. Dick to incorporate the final charter changes and send out for 
      l. Norm to determine OASIS requirements for charter updates.
      m. Norm to solicit for a third DocBook 5 user again.
    (the following items were missing from the agenda)
      n. Norm to work with Mary to make Publishing Subcommittee
         schema a Committee Working Draft.
      o. Norm to work with Keith and Scott to update the OASIS committee
         site to make the Publishing Subcommittee Working Draft
         publicly available.
      p. Scott to write up a modular DocBook proposal for the TC
         to discuss.
      q. Scott to append suggestions to RFE 1722935 from the
         Publishing Subcommittee regarding additional class values.
      r. Larry to write additional documentation for the existing name
         elements describing how they are best used in different locales.
    6.  DocBook TC charter review.
    Continued, awaiting completion of Norm's action item.
    7.  DocBook 5.0 standards update
    Richard Kwan just affirmed that Pearson PLC is using DocBook 5, is
    a member of OASIS, and will attest to that fact.   Now we
    have three members and can proceed.
    ACTION: Norm to move DocBook 5.0 into the OASIS process
    for approval as an OASIS Standard.
    7.1  Printed version of DocBook: The Definitive Guide.
    Dick is pursuing getting TDG back in print, updated
    for DocBook 5. He is in discussion with O'Reilly, or
    may publish it through XML Press.  The current format
    has very long syntax sections, leading to a 1500 page book size.
    ACTION: Dick will initiate an email discussion on how to
    present content models using more compact syntax.
    8.  Policy for backwards compatible changes (Norm).
    9.  Publishing Subcommittee report (Scott).
    Waiting for working drafts to be made available for public
    review (see action item o ).
    10. Using a map for modular DocBook (Dick and Jim).
    Scott sent out the discussion group's proposal [2].
    It proposes a new 

  • 2.  Schema for assembly proposal

    Posted 03-27-2009 13:32
    please find attached the schema for the assembly proposal. Larry, please 
    use this to create your samples.
    I think I got the syntax right, but let me know if you have any issues! 
    The include paths assume this is installed in the docbook/src directory.
    Thanks and best regards,
    Scott Hudson
    Senior XML Architect
    e: scott.hudson@FlatironsSolutions.com
    O: 303.542.2146
    C: 303.332.1883
    F: 303.544.0522
    Vision. Experience. Engineering Excellence.
    Bob Stayton wrote:
    > DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 25 March 2009
    > =============================================================
    > The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday,
    > 25 March 2009 at 1:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT,
    > 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+, 11:30p India+) for 70
    > minutes.
    > 1. Roll call
    > Present: Paul Grosso, Scott Hudson, Dick Hamilton,
    > Richard Kwan, Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.
    > Absent: Jim Earley, Keith Falhgren, Patricia Gee, Nancy
    > Harrison, Corey Leong, Dave Pawson, John Pederson,
    > Pine Zhang
    > Regrets:  Gershon Joseph, Jirka Kosek
    > We have a quorum of voting members.
    > 2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
    > 3. Next meeting: 15 April 2009
    > 4. Review of the agenda.
    > Add three items: 7.1, 10.1 and 10.2
    > 5. Review of open action items
    >   a. Bob to organize TDG reading after names are fixed.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   b. Norm to write up a backwards compatibility policy document.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   c. Norm to incorporate group parameter change (RFE 1998852) into the 
    > schema
    >      for 5.1.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   d. Norm to ask mailing list about 'rep' on methodparam.
    >   e. Norm to update OASIS site for 5.0 spec and schema.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   f. Norm to update spec to include public and system identifiers
    >      for the 5.0 DTD version.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   g. Jirka to add schema comparison table to DocBook 5.0 Transition Guide.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   h. Norm to add floatstyle attribute to sidebar for 5.1.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   i. Norm to write up proposed content model for initializer.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   j. Norm to add subtitle to sidebar for 5.1.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   k. Dick to incorporate the final charter changes and send out for 
    > approval.
    >   l. Norm to determine OASIS requirements for charter updates.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   m. Norm to solicit for a third DocBook 5 user again.
    > (the following items were missing from the agenda)
    >   n. Norm to work with Mary to make Publishing Subcommittee
    >      schema a Committee Working Draft.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   o. Norm to work with Keith and Scott to update the OASIS committee
    >      site to make the Publishing Subcommittee Working Draft
    >      publicly available.
    >   CONTINUE
    >   p. Scott to write up a modular DocBook proposal for the TC
    >      to discuss.
    >   q. Scott to append suggestions to RFE 1722935 from the
    >      Publishing Subcommittee regarding additional class values.
    >   r. Larry to write additional documentation for the existing name
    >      elements describing how they are best used in different locales.
    > 6.  DocBook TC charter review.
    > Continued, awaiting completion of Norm's action item.
    > 7.  DocBook 5.0 standards update
    > Richard Kwan just affirmed that Pearson PLC is using DocBook 5, is
    > a member of OASIS, and will attest to that fact.   Now we
    > have three members and can proceed.
    > ACTION: Norm to move DocBook 5.0 into the OASIS process
    > for approval as an OASIS Standard.
    > 7.1  Printed version of DocBook: The Definitive Guide.
    > Dick is pursuing getting TDG back in print, updated
    > for DocBook 5. He is in discussion with O'Reilly, or
    > may publish it through XML Press.  The current format
    > has very long syntax sections, leading to a 1500 page book size.
    > ACTION: Dick will initiate an email discussion on how to
    > present content models using more compact syntax.
    > 8.  Policy for backwards compatible changes (Norm).
    > Continued.
    > 9.  Publishing Subcommittee report (Scott).
    > Waiting for working drafts to be made available for public
    > review (see action item o ).
    > 10. Using a map for modular DocBook (Dick and Jim).
    > Scott sent out the discussion group's proposal [2].
    > It proposes a new