please find attached the schema for the assembly proposal. Larry, please
use this to create your samples.
I think I got the syntax right, but let me know if you have any issues!
The include paths assume this is installed in the docbook/src directory.
Thanks and best regards,
Scott Hudson
Senior XML Architect
O: 303.542.2146
C: 303.332.1883
F: 303.544.0522
Vision. Experience. Engineering Excellence.
Bob Stayton wrote:
> DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 25 March 2009
> =============================================================
> The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday,
> 25 March 2009 at 1:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT,
> 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+, 11:30p India+) for 70
> minutes.
> 1. Roll call
> Present: Paul Grosso, Scott Hudson, Dick Hamilton,
> Richard Kwan, Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.
> Absent: Jim Earley, Keith Falhgren, Patricia Gee, Nancy
> Harrison, Corey Leong, Dave Pawson, John Pederson,
> Pine Zhang
> Regrets: Gershon Joseph, Jirka Kosek
> We have a quorum of voting members.
> 2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
> 3. Next meeting: 15 April 2009
> 4. Review of the agenda.
> Add three items: 7.1, 10.1 and 10.2
> 5. Review of open action items
> a. Bob to organize TDG reading after names are fixed.
> b. Norm to write up a backwards compatibility policy document.
> c. Norm to incorporate group parameter change (RFE 1998852) into the
> schema
> for 5.1.
> d. Norm to ask mailing list about 'rep' on methodparam.
> e. Norm to update OASIS site for 5.0 spec and schema.
> f. Norm to update spec to include public and system identifiers
> for the 5.0 DTD version.
> g. Jirka to add schema comparison table to DocBook 5.0 Transition Guide.
> h. Norm to add floatstyle attribute to sidebar for 5.1.
> i. Norm to write up proposed content model for initializer.
> j. Norm to add subtitle to sidebar for 5.1.
> k. Dick to incorporate the final charter changes and send out for
> approval.
> l. Norm to determine OASIS requirements for charter updates.
> m. Norm to solicit for a third DocBook 5 user again.
> (the following items were missing from the agenda)
> n. Norm to work with Mary to make Publishing Subcommittee
> schema a Committee Working Draft.
> o. Norm to work with Keith and Scott to update the OASIS committee
> site to make the Publishing Subcommittee Working Draft
> publicly available.
> p. Scott to write up a modular DocBook proposal for the TC
> to discuss.
> q. Scott to append suggestions to RFE 1722935 from the
> Publishing Subcommittee regarding additional class values.
> r. Larry to write additional documentation for the existing name
> elements describing how they are best used in different locales.
> 6. DocBook TC charter review.
> Continued, awaiting completion of Norm's action item.
> 7. DocBook 5.0 standards update
> Richard Kwan just affirmed that Pearson PLC is using DocBook 5, is
> a member of OASIS, and will attest to that fact. Now we
> have three members and can proceed.
> ACTION: Norm to move DocBook 5.0 into the OASIS process
> for approval as an OASIS Standard.
> 7.1 Printed version of DocBook: The Definitive Guide.
> Dick is pursuing getting TDG back in print, updated
> for DocBook 5. He is in discussion with O'Reilly, or
> may publish it through XML Press. The current format
> has very long syntax sections, leading to a 1500 page book size.
> ACTION: Dick will initiate an email discussion on how to
> present content models using more compact syntax.
> 8. Policy for backwards compatible changes (Norm).
> Continued.
> 9. Publishing Subcommittee report (Scott).
> Waiting for working drafts to be made available for public
> review (see action item o ).
> 10. Using a map for modular DocBook (Dick and Jim).
> Scott sent out the discussion group's proposal [2].
> It proposes a new