Jane, Many thanks for passing this opportunity on to us. I will add it to the agenda of our Wednesday February 10th CTI TC Interoperability SC kick-off call.
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/cti-interoperability/event.php?event_id=42362&referring_url=%2Fkws On a related note, we want to reach out to the OASIS KMIP TC Interoperability SC to (1) discuss a liaison/partnership between our SCs in general and to (1) arrange for a joint "WebEx" for Knowledge Transfer, Lessons Learned, specific to their experience with OASIS Interoperability Demos and Show Cases. We will contact the respective TC/SC Chairs to initiate this outreach. Are there any other folks we should include? Patrick Maroney President Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc. Desk: (856)983-0001 Cell: (609)841-5104 Email:
pmaroney@specere.org _____________________________ From: Jane Harnad <
jane.harnad@oasis-open.org > Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 4:11 PM Subject: [cti-marketing] CTI Interop at RSA 2017 -- response needed by 29 Feb To: <
cti@lists.oasis-open.org >, cti-marketing <
cti-marketing@lists.oasis-open.org > Dear CTI Members, The CTI TC has the option to host an Interop demo at RSA 2017 in San Francisco. In order to secure a premium booth space for that event, we need confirmation from the TC by 29 Feb 2016 and commitment from at least four TC members by 31 Mar. If your company would like to secure demo space in the OASIS booth at RSA 2017, please review and respond to the sign-up information packet that will be distributed later this month. (More information is included below.) Background For past 12 years, OASIS has successfully organized an Interoperability Showcase at the US RSA expo. This year’s showcase features 12 member companies in a 20x20 booth demonstrating interoperability for the OASIS KMIP and PKCS #11 standards. Members share the space and associated expenses. (Please be sure to stop by, if you’re planning to be at RSA – booth #821.) RSA 2017 Next year, RSA will be held on 13-17 Feb . OASIS will select our 2017 space on 1 Mar 2016. (Booth space sells out fast and early.) In order to accommodate a CTI Interop (in addition to KMIP and PKCS demos), OASIS is planning to select a 20x30 booth space. So, what’s involved from the TC at this point? By 29 Feb, the CTI TC needs to confirm it will endorse either an Interop demo or a product showcase at RSA 2017. (For a description of each activity, please refer to the OASIS Interop Policy.
https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/interop .) Later, the TC will need to designate an Interop lead to coordinate the activity with OASIS staff. Once TC commitment has been received, OASIS will start the member sign-up process. Below are some details highlighting what’s involved in that process. Please review and let us know if you have any questions. We will be available on next week’s CTI marketing group call (Friday, 12 Feb) – to field any questions. We would also be happy to arrange additional meetings, if needed. Looking forward to hearing from the TC. Regards, Jane How many spaces will be available and what’s involved in securing a space? As mentioned, we’re planning to secure a 20’ x 30’ that would allow us to host 18 members next year. With three TCs involved this would allocate six pods per TC (six members each.) Sign-up information packets will be distributed in late Feb. Participation forms will be accepted on or before 31 Mar, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any sign-ups received after the max limit or deadline -- will be placed on a waitlist. If a TC is unable to fill their six spaces by the deadline, the unassigned spaces will be allocated to the waitlisted based on their submission date. (So, a TC may end up having more than the allocated six pods.) Is there a cost associated with participating? To meet expenses, each member will be required to pay a non-refundable participation fee by a deadline. The participation fee for 2017 will be included in the sign-up information packets distributed in late Feb. As a point of reference – the 2016 participation price was $6,250 per member. What’s included in the participation fee? An OASIS staff person will be designated to manage the activity and support all the booth logistics. As part of the participation package, each company would receive an identical workstation that includes: furniture, electricity, carpet, internet connectivity, video monitor, and booth signage (with company logos). An equal number of booth staff registrations and access to complimentary expo passes will be allocated. Also covered will be any company recognition associated with the activity (in advance and onsite). This would include: press releases, datasheets, website postings, booth signage, email announcements, social media outreach, etc. What are the member participant responsibilities? Participants will be responsible to actively engage in the pre-show technical discussions and abide by the technical requirements outlined by the Interop Team/TC (in accordance with the OASIS Interop Policy). Participants will also be responsible for bringing any company equipment that may be used as part of their participation. -- Jane Harnad Manager, Events OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society +1.781.425.5073 x214 (Office)
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