OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [geovrml] Long Term Liaisons

  • 1.  RE: [geovrml] Long Term Liaisons

    Posted 06-17-2003 15:54
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    Subject: RE: [geovrml] Long Term Liaisons

    Title: RE: [geovrml] Long Term Liaisons
    Thanks James,

    I will probably do as you suggest. Our HumanML Archeology associate uses a system which is also Java3D-based, so it makes sense for folks involved with this to help inspire a better X3D/GeoVRML Loader.  I haven't followed that development very much, but I will try to put some time into it.

    Hi to Don. I suspect my next task will be to come up with some specific suggestions for proceeding. Some real world use cases are already being talked up in other venues, and I am copying this to the EMTC so that we can discuss it a bit at tomorrow's GIS SC telecon.

    At 11:47 AM -0700 6/9/03, Neushul, James USA wrote:
        Great Email!  I have been doing a lot of work with GeoVRML and X3D here at the Naval Postgraduate School.  We are very interested in extensible solutions to the situation you describe.  Currently I have a terrain server that uses a web interface, the GeoVRML globe, and GeoTransform to allow net access to 3D terrain straight from DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) files.  The methodology I have applied is XML / XSLT / Java Servlet driven and is extemely portable to other applications.  The benefits of immediate and network-centric visualization tools are very apparent, and have wide reaching applications in the military and civil sectors.   
        I think that one of the most important priorities of this effort should be to produce a fully functional reference implementation of a X3D/GeoVRML loader so that browser and plug-in dependence will detract less from the development process.  XJ3D (http://www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/source/xj3d.html) may be a good starting point for this, but they are not currently supporting GeoVRML very well.
        I have accomplished a lot in this area - with things like drawing lines on terrain using LOS algorithms, and setting things like orientation and elevation for objects on terrain - and am ready to contribute.  Please consider the NPS SAVAGE (Scenario Authoring and Visualization for Advanced Graphical Environments) group, a part of the MOVES (Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation ) curriculum - as a resource for these efforts.
    Captain James D. Neushul, USMC
    0602 Communications Officer
    Student, Computer Science
    Naval Postgraduate School
    Email: jdneushu@nps.navy.mil
    Personal Email:jdn_email@fastmail.fm
    Ph: 831-656-7585
    Ph: 831-583-9474
    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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