OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC

Groups - mqtt-v5.0-wd20.docx uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - mqtt-v5.0-wd20.docx uploaded

    Posted 04-24-2018 13:53
    Submitter's message Working draft 20 with change flags from CS01.

    Incorporate the Disallowed Unicode code point committee note with changes as required for MQTTv5.0. The major changes are that in MQTTv5.0 there are a number of additional strings which have a similar issue. Also the validation of Payload Format can lead to the same problem even though this does not involve disallowed code points.

    Change the terminology and formatting to match that used in the MQTTv5.0 spec.

    Also make a few typo changes found in review of CS02

    All of these changes have been judged to be non-substantive. -- Ken Borgendale Document Name : mqtt-v5.0-wd20.docx Description Working draft 20 with change flags from CS01.

    Incorporate the Disallowed Unicode code point committee note with changes as required for MQTTv5.0. The major changes are that in MQTTv5.0 there are a number of additional strings which have a similar issue. Also the validation of Payload Format can lead to the same problem even though this does not involve disallowed code points.

    Change the terminology and formatting to match that used in the MQTTv5.0 spec.

    Also make a few typo changes found in review of CS02

    All of these changes have been judged to be non-substantive. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ken Borgendale Group : OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC Folder : Working Drafts Date submitted : 2018-04-24 06:52:31