OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  RE: [xacml] schema v16a

    Posted 07-26-2002 13:00
    Simon - The reason for avoiding this approach was that the xml attributes that go with the MatchType in the ...           <xs:sequence>             <xs:element ref="xacml:AttributeDesignator"/>             </xs:element ref="xacml:AttributeValue"/>         </xs:sequence>   part of the choice are not required for the ...           <xs:element ref="AnyMatch"/>   part of the choice.  So, the part of the choice that requires attributes would need another element definition and another tag.  I am happy to explore the options and implications.  All the best.  Tim. ----------------------------------------- Tim Moses Tel: 613.270.3183