OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

F2F Update & Call for agenda topics

  • 1.  F2F Update & Call for agenda topics

    Posted 12-30-2015 17:02


    I have some updated information about the F2F in January.

    As a reminder, here are some of the pertinent details:

    The F2F is for two days: January 14-15 2016.

    Thursday , Jan 14: 9am-5pm (Followed by vendor-sponsored social event)
    Friday , Jan 15: 8am-4pm
    Location: University of South Florida (Tampa, FL); Address to be provided later
    Conference Hotel:  Embassy Suites by Hilton Tampa USF ( 3705
    Spectrum Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612;  http://embassysuites3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/embassy-suites-by-hilton-tampa-usf-near-busch-gardens-TPAFRES/index.html )

    On behalf of the TC, I would like to announce a Call for Agenda Topics . If you have a talk you’d like to give or topic you’d like to see discussed, please reply to myself (or any co-chair) and provide some information related to what you’d like to see
    us cover. We are currently in the process of setting an agenda and welcome all submissions and requests. For those of you who will be giving a talk at the F2F, there is a
    deadline for materials on January 7th, 2016 , one week before the F2F. Since we only have two days together, enabling read-ahead of the topics will enable us to have more productive conversations.

    Thank you and I look forward to seeing those of you who will be able to join us!
