--PLEASE NOTE QUOTE DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, 26 OCT-- In the event AMQP 1.0 is approved as an OASIS Standard, the Consortium plans to distribute a press release. Our target distribution date will be Tuesday, 30 October, (but is dependent on the outcome of the ballot). *Recognition* While OASIS deeply appreciates the contributions of all members to our technical work, only Foundational- and Sponsor-level members elect to receive promotional benefits, such as inclusion in announcements directed to the press. The AMQP 1.0 press release will acknowledge the following organizations: Axway, Kaazing, Microsoft, Primeton, Progress Software, Red Hat, Software AG, VMware, and Zenika If you represent one of these organizations, and you do *not* wish to be included in the press release, please notify me. If you represent a Contributor-level organization participating in the AMQP TC, and you wish to receive visibility for your support of AMQP 1.0, please contact me immediately for information on upgrading your membership to take advantage of this promotional benefit. *Quotes* The body of the press release will feature quotes from Foundational- and Sponsor-level members represented in the AMQP TC. Quotes should be 75 words or less. Please email quotes to me, including a name and title at your organization to whom the quote can be attributed. *More information*
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201210/msg00009.html **Our deadline for accepting quotes for this press release is Friday, 26 Oct.** Thanks, Carol -- Carol Geyer Senior Director of Communications and Development OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society +1.781.425.5073 x209 (Office) +1.941.284.0403 (Cell)
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