UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] MINUTES: NDRSC PM CCT Discussion 6 Feb 2003

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] MINUTES: NDRSC PM CCT Discussion 6 Feb 2003

    Posted 02-08-2003 03:49
    Afternoon 2/6/03 ?   Gunter presented his new text for CCTs.   We started by defining the following rules ?                 Rules For CCTs ? 1)       CCTs will be declared as elements 2)       CCT Content Components will be conveyed as the value 3)       CCT Supplementary Components will be conveyed as the attribute of the CCT element   We then looked at the example for amount.   A question was raised regarding the extent of examples that would be included in NDR.   Mark thought that perhaps one or two examples would be appropriate in NDR and the detailed example for each CCT would be appropriate in the LC documentation.   A question was raised regarding mandatory recommended code list, length, cardinality.   Gunter believes that for CCTs, there should be rules that would state:   4)       If you use the default codeListVersionID, then you do not have to convey codeListVersionID.   If however you use a different codeListVersionID, then you must convey codeListVersionID. 5)       Any change to cardinality or length for any code for any CCT will only be allowed as derivations from the Ur Schema.   Note ? we may have to consider maintaining a list of default values (codeListVersionID as well as other default values we include in UBL) that may potentially need to be updated in conjunction with each new version release of the schema.               6) Binary objects will not be carried as a value for the declared element, but will be referred to through the supplementary component attribute.   The element will be declared as empty.         --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( http://www.grisoft.com ). Version: 6.0.441 / Virus Database: 247 - Release Date: 1/9/2003 Attachment: Lisa Seaburg.vcf Description: text/vcard