UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

  • 1.  MINUTES - 19 March 2003

    Posted 03-19-2003 13:09
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    Subject: MINUTES - 19 March 2003

    Please use the following dial-in information:

         Toll-free (from the U.S.): +1 888 422-7116
         Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: +1 608 250-1828
         PARTICIPANT CODE: 398769

    1.  Roll Call and Welcome from the chair (Lisa), assignment of co-chair to take minutes.
    Mavis Cournane - Regrets
    Bill Burcham
    Mark Crawford
    Fabrice Desr�
    Arofan Gregory
    Jessica Glace
    Michael Grimley
    Eduardo Gutentag
    Eve Maler -
    Sue Probert
    Lisa Seaburg
    Gunther Stuhec
    Paul Thorpe
    Kris Ketels
    Jim Wilson - Regrets

    2.  Acceptance of minutes from previous meetings
    I couldn't find a way to get to the archive, so I am attaching a text version of the minutes from last week.

    3.  Adoption of agenda/schedule planning
        Add agenda item: working relationship with ATG and X12.
    4.  Kavi Issues, Discussion of member lists (Lisa) -

    5.  Review NDR release schedule (Mark)

    6.  Review of Project List:
    A+ NDR document update (in progress)
    A Code list rules and schema template - (in progress, discussed and formulated more rules in this call)
    A Embedded documentation (in progress)
    A Local vs. global elements - (rediscussion closed on March 17th. Discussed further in this call)
    A Namespace rules (getting into NDR main doc)
    A Versioning rules (getting into NDR main doc) - in progress
    A Context Methodology (only comments from Mark so far, to be discussed further next week)
    B Common Core Components documentation - (in progress, Gunther is speaking directly with reviewers of this in San Diego this week. Will have a call with Mavis next week to put it all together)
    B Containership (to be put first on the agenda for next week)
    7.  Review of Sub Committees:
        Library Content SC (Sue),  LCSC QA Team, working on comments (Sue/Anne)
            - LCSC Schedule is attached, please review, we will discuss.
            - All comments to date have been assigned to QA Team owners.
            - NDR QA Team update, will they make the Friday Call?   
        Tools and Techniques (Gunther)
        Context Methodology (Eduardo)
    8.  Other Business?
    9.  Adjourn

    Lisa Seaburg
    Website: http://www.aeon-llc.com/
    Email:  lseaburg@aeon-llc.com
    Alternative Email: xcblgeek@yahoo.com
    Phone: 662-562-7676
    Cellphone: 662-501-7676
    "Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk."

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