OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Draft Reply To PPW Letter

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Draft Reply To PPW Letter

    Posted 10-24-2003 23:55
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Draft Reply To PPW Letter

    On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 10:47, Art Botterell wrote:
    > Even by your own logic... having admitted that the TC has yet to 
    > address what you call the "how" issue, how can you possibly claim 
    > that the TC believes one approach is "more friendly" than another? 
    > (And what does "more friendly" mean, anyway?)  It seems like we're 
    > getting way ahead of ourselves here.
    Ok, so maybe that is the optimist in me, but considering all the angst
    this issue has caused, I can't imagine the TC would embark on anything
    that wouldn't be more "friendly" than the discussions we have had at
    this point. 
    > More fundamentally, why send this letter at all?  Especially to a 
    > large membership organization like PPW, where it can be expected to 
    > have the practical effect of a public statement?  We're under no 
    > obligation to reply to the PPW letter at any particular time, or 
    > ever.  And we're certainly not required to do so in a way that would 
    > preempt or prejudice the TC's deliberations.
    I actually asked this very same question to them, and it is at their
    request that I reply summarizing what we talked about and inviting them
    to further participate.
    > - Art
    > PS - Just a detail... but if I remember correctly, the TC adopted the 
    > current Committee Specification (as it was called at the time) not at 
    > the 7/15 meeting but a month later on the 8/12 conference call.
    You are correct - typo. Meant to say that we agreed at the 7/15 meeting
    that the current spec, minus the minor edits we discussed at that
    meeting, was what we were going to vote on to ratify. I will correct in
    the letter.
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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