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Subject: Agenda: 11/4 Call
Only a couple of Action Items to address this week, but there were some
other areas of interest/questions popping up on the list.
1. Transport Requirements Doc: Rick was going to take stab at and
circulate to group. Just need update.
2. MSG SC: the group needs to bring to closure how we want to proceed
with the work of the MSG SC. Rex was taking on/helping with the
Compliance Test Scenarios, which leaves the Implementor's guide, and ICS
201 work.
3. CAP: now out for formal public review, so we need to determine who
will be responsible for collecting comments. The TC should probably
start meeting weekly again and starting to go through this list one by
one, so that we are ready to move forward at the end of the review (ends
Nov 30). We can start with what Walid had pulled together.
4. Question on next steps for GIS SC, which only has ("officially") the
topic of symbology on its plate.
See you all at 1 EST.
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
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