OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

RE: [xliff] More XSD & Spec revisions

  • 1.  RE: [xliff] More XSD & Spec revisions

    Posted 05-12-2006 21:29
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [xliff] More XSD & Spec revisions

    Title: Message
    Doug and Tony,
    I checked the XSDs and found them to be perfectly valid.  The extension point for attributes for <tool is working fine.  I guess the rest of the changes all pertained to the spec.
    I also checked the sample files where Tony added the example of the <mrk for protected content (see trans-unit id="_1_ski_2203").  Tony's updates were perfectly valid.  But I noticed in the "Sample_AlmostEverything_1.2_strict.xlf" file a stray "f" was typed just below the comment that followed the <count-group name="_ski_43782">.  It looked like it might have been a "brush-the-finger-over-the-keyboard-but-not-notice-it" mistake.  The effect was that the <group element, with the "f" suddenly had PCDATA (which made it invalid).  I fixed that, and also removed the "tool" attributes from the <phase elements.  I attached the fixed file.
    If we use the attached sample file now, I think everything should be valid.