DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 08 FEB 2023 ============================================================= The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wed, : 08 FEB 2023 (11am PDT, 12noon MDT, 1pm CDT, 2pm EDT, and 8pm CET) Roll call Bob, Norm, Scott, Larry (emeritus) Accept the minutes [1] of the previous meeting ( 14 DEC 2022). Accepted Next meeting: 08 MAR 2023 Review of open action items a. ALL: Test v5.2 CR 2 ( ) COMPLETE b. Bob: Include section 1.1 or appendix reference the location of our issue tracker on Github in CSD01 COMPLETE c. Bob: Add TDG v5.2 as normative reference in CSD01 COMPLETE Social media presence for DocBook Purpose: To raise awareness of actions (votes, calls for information, etc.) a. ACTION: announce CSD01 when available Remaining items for v5.2 Committee Spec Revise DocBook 5.2 to make the @cols attribute mandatory on CALS tables Unanimous acceptance of the change. Will be resubmitted as CSD01. Norm to update the schema. Bob to create OASIS package for submission as CSD01 we expect it to be published at: The permanent "Latest stage" URI will be: Bob and Norm to coordinate build of the OASIS package. Update on github Remaining issues #247 The cols attribute on entrytbl should be required - Unanimous acceptance of the change. Will be included in CSD01. #246 Impose stricter constraints on keycap? – TC agrees unanimously to add this change to the CSD01 schema. TC to test over the next week, and if no issues, Bob will include in the CSD01 package and resubmit to OASIS.