OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Approval of OpenDocument v1.1 as OASIS Standard

  • 1.  Approval of OpenDocument v1.1 as OASIS Standard

    Posted 02-01-2007 14:29
    OASIS members:
    We are pleased to announce that the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Specification v1.1 has
    been approved as an OASIS Standard. The submission of the approved standard can be found at [1].
    Congratulations to the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC, and the community of
    implementers, developers and users who have brought the work successfully to culmination.
    [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200701/msg00001.html
    Mary P McRae
    Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org 

  • 2.  OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 11:59
    Interesting information, and copies of presentations of an event on open
    document exchange formats organized by the German government: 
    Couple of quick notes:
    -   The organizing Ministry is very skeptical about renewing their
    membership, but they do organize this event. 
    Somehow OpenDocument's success isn't really associated with OASIS? There
    aren't a lot of government members in ODF Adoption TC.
    -   There are various references to conformance in the presentations.   
    -   Interesting presentation about OpenDocument archival via PDF/A.  Just
    like "PDF/A" is a subset of "PDF", I could imagine an ODF/A.  You don't want
    all ODF features used in an archived ODF document. I guess we should be able
    to find a couple of people to start a sub-committee on this? And invite
    various national archives to join. 
    -   OpenOffice has its next event in Barcelona in September 2007.  Could we
    do some side event for OASIS DocHead members?

  • 3.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 13:11
    What do you think about me approaching ODF Adoption TC about organizing an
    OASIS InterOp/Showcase/presentation for the Barcelona event, that way we
    could add a full day of content? Don't we have 5-6 governments actively
    using ODF; are these folks represented on the TC?
    We might even think about a webinar prior to the InterOp to draw attention
    to the event?
    Thanks for following this. Was there a conversation about a PDF/A
    subcommittee? If not, who is responsible for suggesting new work to an OASIS

  • 4.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 13:22

    Comments in-line ..

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dee Schur [
    Sent: 27 March 2007 16:12
    To: 'Pim van der Eijk'; 'Staff'
    Subject: RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    What do you think about me approaching ODF Adoption TC about organizing an OASIS InterOp/Showcase/presentation for the Barcelona event, that way we could add a full day of content? Don't we have 5-6 governments actively using ODF; are these folks represented on the TC?

    That would be an excellent suggestion.

    We might even think about a webinar prior to the InterOp to draw attention to the event?
    Thanks for following this. Was there a conversation about a PDF/A subcommittee? If not, who is responsible for suggesting new work to an OASIS TC?

    I didn't explain right, PDF/A is "Archived PDF" and is an existing ISO standard.  I was suggesting (or rather speculating about an ODF/A ("Archived ODF"), which does not yet exist (as far as I need) but something that makes sense to me, and something that could be done at OASIS. Didn't we just get the Library of Congress as a member?


  • 5.  Re: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 13:44
    Hi Dee,
    I think the idea of an Interop Event is good.
    I don't know about the TC. But I recall that CEN is planning to do some 
    work around ODF - does anyone think it could be useful to suggest an 
    activity together?
    Dee Schur wrote:
    >What do you think about me approaching ODF Adoption TC about organizing an
    >OASIS InterOp/Showcase/presentation for the Barcelona event, that way we
    >could add a full day of content? Don't we have 5-6 governments actively
    >using ODF; are these folks represented on the TC?
    >We might even think about a webinar prior to the InterOp to draw attention
    >to the event?
    >Thanks for following this. Was there a conversation about a PDF/A
    >subcommittee? If not, who is responsible for suggesting new work to an OASIS

  • 6.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 15:08
    Hi Carol,
    This would be a nice cooperation. How can we accomplish this? Would they
    participate with us? Apparently, many government officials (not currently
    using ODF) will be attending this event to evaluate, unlike the past. Once I
    get the go ahead from openoffice.org can we talk about CEN?

  • 7.  Re: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 15:17
    Hi Dee,
    Pim and I can discuss this next Monday. Let's see.
    Dee Schur wrote:
    >Hi Carol,
    >This would be a nice cooperation. How can we accomplish this? Would they
    >participate with us? Apparently, many government officials (not currently
    >using ODF) will be attending this event to evaluate, unlike the past. Once I
    >get the go ahead from openoffice.org can we talk about CEN?

  • 8.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments

    Posted 03-27-2007 15:46
    Let's just be sure get something out of a CEN cooperation. We've gotten the
    short end of that stick a few times before.

  • 9.  Re: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments, and ShowCase events

    Posted 03-27-2007 16:24
    I'm not sure how to address this question without hurting someone's
    feelings... let me just remind you all that I am pure
    Sweetness and Light, Your Humble Servant, Gentle Man of Kind Words,
    and Always Giddy with Delight at New Branding Ideas...   I never
    hurt a flea...
    So, Carol says "Interop Event", which seems plausible as a
    short locution for "Interoperability Event".  However, I would
    have found it distracting, cheesy, and otherwise disconcerting
    if she had also said "ShowCase Event."
    My petition here is that when spelling innovations are being
    floated that involve camel-casing of normal English words -- can
    we please have a Staff discussion about it?
    I would likely never be inclined to attend an "InterOp" event
    unless I kew personally that the hosts, sponsors, and organizers
    were class act.  The word "interoperability" might be
    shortened in-house to "interop," but what's the justification
    for breaking it up into morphemes and (sic!) camelCasing the parts?
    I cringe every time I see it.  Why not InTerOp?
    The general practice of using camel case for joining two independent
    words is common: "open" and "document" might become OpenDocument.
    However, "inter" and "op" are not two independent words.
    Camel Case is of course well known in the world of computing
    and in any related fields where juncture needs to be marked
    by some orthographic feature (typically, hyphen or case-change
    to replace SPACE as juncture marker):
    In personal names, we commonly use hyphen (Cosgrove-Sacks),
    but I never see camel case (CosgroveSacks).
    Summary: Personally, I would like to see more careful and
    broad considerations given for orthographic innovations
    used as marketing strategems: I don't find it compelling,
    but highly distracting.
    On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, Carol Cosgrove-Sacks wrote:
    > Hi Dee,
    > I think the idea of an Interop Event is good.
    > I don't know about the TC. But I recall that CEN is planning to do some
    > work around ODF - does anyone think it could be useful to suggest an
    > activity together?
    > Cheers,
    > Carol
    > Dee Schur wrote:
    > >Carol/Pim,
    > >What do you think about me approaching ODF Adoption TC about organizing an
    > >OASIS InterOp/Showcase/presentation for the Barcelona event, that way we
    > >could add a full day of content? Don't we have 5-6 governments actively
    > >using ODF; are these folks represented on the TC?
    > >We might even think about a webinar prior to the InterOp to draw attention
    > >to the event?
    > >Thanks for following this. Was there a conversation about a PDF/A
    > >subcommittee? If not, who is responsible for suggesting new work to an OASIS
    > >TC?
    > >Thanks!
    > >Dee
    > >
    > >

  • 10.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments, and ShowCase events

    Posted 04-06-2007 13:20
    If you think it is clearer to stick with OASIS Interoperability Event, that
    is fine with me.

  • 11.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments, and ShowCase events

    Posted 04-06-2007 14:18
    Maybe not "clearer" but "cleaner."  Most of the decisions to use
    clever orthography have been rejected (even by the inventors) at
    a later time -- as misguided.  One famous example:
    "The eXtensible Markup Language (XML)"
    Within a short time, consensus emerged that the "eX" was cheesy,
    ineffective, distracting, and otherwise annoying.  Part of the
    equation was also the realization that the language itself
    was mis-named: XML is *NOT* in any way extensible. The one thing
    you MUST not do is privately "extend" XML.  XML is fixed and
    I have no idea what the marketeers of "Toys 

  • 12.  RE: [staff] OpenDocument quick comments, and ShowCase events

    Posted 04-06-2007 15:12
    As much as I appreciate Robin's opinions in matter such as this, I'd like to
    stick with "InterOp". 
    Robin's thoughtful arguments to the contrary deserve a thoughtful rebuttal from
    me, however, I am simply too swamped right now to provide one. 