OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]createEntity/createTemplate/createPortlet

  • 1.  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]createEntity/createTemplate/createPortlet

    Posted 05-27-2002 12:29
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]createEntity/createTemplate/createPortlet

    Alan -
    I answered to Eilon's suggestion to use URL mapping as an addressing
    scheme. This won't work for SOAP stacks other than servlet based ones (e.g.
    .NET), at least from my current knowledge. So I would prefer the more
    general approach instead of leaving the addressing logic to the underlying
    application server. Does that make sense?
    For the typo you are correct, it should read "portal" instead of "portlet".
    Best regards
    Carsten Leue
    Dr. Carsten Leue
    Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory B�blingen , Germany
    Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401
    |         |           Alan Kropp       |
    |         |           <akropp@epicentri|
    |         |           c.com>           |
    |         |                            |
    |         |           05/24/2002 08:31 |
    |         |           PM               |
    |         |           Please respond to|
    |         |           Alan Kropp       |
    |         |                            |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |       To:       wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                        |
      |       cc:                                                                                                                                   |
      |       Subject:  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]crea       teEntity/createTemplate/createPortlet               |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
    This sounds reasonable and even desirable.  However, I question whether the
    container itself is an "entity" in the sense we've been discussing, as
    opposed to a convenient way for the Producer to handle multiple portlet
    I continue to lean in favor of this being a WSRP Producer-specific concept
    that we expect can be accomodated by appropriate WSDL techniques, as Eilon
    Also, is there a typo in your third point below?  "...a portlet is
    that runs inside a portlet..." doesn't make sense to me.  Do you mean a
    portlet is something that runs inside a _portal_?