OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: RE: [emergency] Re: Regarding the use of OASIS standards in European Commission supported C2-SENSE Project

  • 1.  Re: RE: [emergency] Re: Regarding the use of OASIS standards in European Commission supported C2-SENSE Project

    Posted 05-29-2017 22:03
    Dear Mert, Yes, that would be great.  I will put this in the agenda for our EMTC call tomorrow.  Members can respond with best time for your presentation.  I will get back with you after with the schedule. Best, Elysa Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, May 29, 2017, 8:01 AM, Mert Gencturk <mert@srdc.com.tr> wrote: Dear Elysa, Thank you for your mail and giving me the opportunity to attend the workshop. I would be glad to present our work and results in there. In the project, we are currently in evaluation phase, that is we are collecting feedback from end-users regarding the implemented system and pilot application we had in Italy. I thought it would be good for the project to first present our work to you in a teleconference and the work plus detailed results in the workshop. In this regard, may I ask you the possibility of presenting our work briefly in one of the regular teleconferences that you are having in the committee? Best regards, Mert On 29-May-17 4:19 AM, Elysa Jones wrote: Dear Mert,   Thank you so much for sharing your experiences using the EDXL standards.  I am delighted to hear of your work and anxious to learn more.  I am also copying Rex Brooks who is working to develop a tool kit to help developers in using the standards.  We would be delighted to have you involved in our emergency adoption TC to share your experiences.  Perhaps we can schedule a time when you can present your work to the group.   As you may know, we are having a half day workshop on EDXL following the two-day workshop on CAP in Rome, Italy this September.  The details can be found on the flyer at http://preparecenter.org/resources/cap-workshop-2017-flyer .  There are speaking slots available at both the CAP and EDXL workshop if you are interested.  We would love to hear more about your work and share it with others in that community as well.   Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is additional information you would like regarding OASIS, the work of the emergency management technical committee or the upcoming workshops.   Best regards,   Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Emergency Interoperability Member Section         From: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org [ mailto:emergency@lists.oasis-open.org ] On Behalf Of Chet Ensign Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 3:10 PM To: Mert Gencturk <mert@srdc.com.tr> ; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org ; emergency-adopt@lists.oasis-open.org Cc: Staff Bizdev <staff-bizdev@lists.oasis-open.org> Subject: [emergency] Re: Regarding the use of OASIS standards in European Commission supported C2-SENSE Project   Mert, thank you very much for your description of the project and your offer.    I am copying both the Emergency Management TC and the Emergency Management Adoption TC mailing lists on this reply. As these are member-only mailing lists, individuals from those TCs will need to contact you to carry the conversation forward, but this will present them with your offer.    These are the TCs responsible for the development and promotion of the CAP and EDXL family of standards and may I say two of the crown jewels here in terms of doing work that makes a difference in the world. I will let the right people from the TCs follow up with you.    Best regards and again, thanks for contacting me.     /chet   On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Mert Gencturk < mert@srdc.com.tr > wrote: Dear Chet Ensign, My name is Mert Gencturk and I am contacting you on behalf of C2-SENSE project ( http://c2-sense.eu/ ) which is supported by the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number 607729. C2-SENSE project's main objective is to develop a profile based Emergency Interoperability Framework by the use of existing standards and semantically enriched Web services to expose the functionalities of C2 Systems, Sensor Systems and other emergency/crisis management systems. It is a joint project of 8 partners from France (SAFRAN), Austria (AIT), Italy (LUTECH, REGOLA, Innova Puglia, Regione Puglia), Turkey (SRDC) and Poland (PIAP). In this project, we have defined several Emergency Interoperability profiles by utilising OASIS CAP, EDXL SitRep, EDXL RM, EDXL HAVE and EDXL TEP standards. On top of these profiles, we have implemented a framework containing several protocol adapters and data integrators that make systems using proprietary formats profile compliant. The outcomes of the project have been assessed successfully in a realistic flood scenario pilot in Puglia region of Italy at the beginning of May. Thanks to the profiles and the interoperability framework implemented in the project, we have managed to make different emergency organizations in Puglia region to interoperate with each other by letting them to continue using their own systems with their own proprietary standard content models. In other words, C2-SENSE project enabled them to exchange information through Web by using OASIS standards without making any major change on their own systems. I am writing you this e-mail to kindly ask you the possibility of presenting the use of the aforementioned standards in the project and the project's results to OASIS community as part of the standardization activities that we are holding in the project. I will be glad to provide you further details about the project if needed. Thank you very much for your time and thank you in advance for your response. Kind regards, Mert -- Mert Gencturk, MSc Software Research, Development and Consultancy (SRDC) Corp. ODTU Teknokent Silikon Blok Kat:1 No:16 Middle East Technical University Campus 06800 Ankara TURKEY Email: mert@srdc.com.tr Phone: +90 (312) 210 1763 Fax: +90 (312) 210 1837 Skype: gencturkmert   -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393   -- Mert Gencturk, MSc Software Research, Development and Consultancy (SRDC) Corp. ODTU Teknokent Silikon Blok Kat:1 No:16 Middle East Technical University Campus 06800 Ankara TURKEY Email: mert@srdc.com.tr Phone: +90 (312) 210 1763 Fax: +90 (312) 210 1837 Skype: gencturkmert