OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

  • 1.  Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profile to CommiteeSpecification

    Posted 10-10-2008 11:01
    Dear Mary,
    After having gone through the public review period of the EBXML  DSS-X 
    profile in its status of Committee Draft, the TC has agreed to conduct a 
    ballot for progressing it to Committee Specification status.
    A zip file containing this document in various formats may be found at:
    The minutes of the meeting where the TC agreed to open this ballot may 
    be found at:
    Thank you very much indeed for your help
    Best Regards
    Juan Carlos

  • 2.  RE: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profile to Commitee Specification

    Posted 10-10-2008 13:41
    Thanks Juan Carlos,
      Were any changes made to the specification since the public review notice?
    I see that no comments were received, yet the version put forth for public
    review was cd01. If no changes were made I can set up the ballot from the
    CD01 spec; if changes were made the TC will need to confirm that no
    substantive changes were made (substantive changes require an additional
    15-day public review).

  • 3.  Re: [dss-x] RE: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profileto Commitee Specification

    Posted 10-12-2008 07:06
      |   view attached


  • 4.  RE: [dss-x] RE: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profile to Commitee Specification

    Posted 10-23-2008 15:51
    My apologies for the delay!
    The ballot to approve the profile as a Committee Specification is now up and

  • 5.  Re: [dss-x] RE: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profileto Commitee Specification

    Posted 10-23-2008 16:42
    No problem Mary,
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Juan Carlos.
    Mary McRae escribió:
    > My apologies for the delay!
    > The ballot to approve the profile as a Committee Specification is now up and
    > running:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/ballot.php?id=1566
    > Regards,
    > Mary