No problem Mary,
Thank you very much for your help.
Juan Carlos.
Mary McRae escribió:
> My apologies for the delay!
> The ballot to approve the profile as a Committee Specification is now up and
> running:
> Regards,
> Mary
Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:08 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: 'Juan Carlos Cruellas'; 'dss-x'
>> Subject: Re: [dss-x] RE: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X
>> profile to Commitee Specification
>> Dear Mary,
>> Mary McRae schrieb:
>>> Thanks Juan Carlos,
>>> Were any changes made to the specification since the public review
>> notice?
>>> I see that no comments were received, yet the version put forth for
>>> public review was cd01. If no changes were made I can set up the
>>> ballot from the
>>> CD01 spec; if changes were made the TC will need to confirm that no
>>> substantive changes were made (substantive changes require an
>>> additional 15-day public review).
>> since no changes were made, it would be very helpfull, if you could set
>> up the ballot from the CD01 spec as you proposed.
>> I attached the zip-archive dated 20080525 from the oasis dss-x
>> documents repo, which is the newest version.
>> May I note, that the files are named *-cd02, but in the documents it is
>> still named CD01.
>> We did not perform any changes to these objects (attached), so if the
>> "CD01"-Versions you mention are those I attached, then please go ahead
>> and set up a ballot for these (attached) files.
>> All the best,
>> Stefan Drees.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mary
Original Message-----
>>>> From: Juan Carlos Cruellas []
>>>> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 7:04 AM
>>>> To:; Stefan Drees; dss-x
>>>> Subject: Opening a ballot for progressing EBXML DSS-X profile to
>>>> Commitee Specification
>>>> Dear Mary,
>>>> After having gone through the public review period of the EBXML
>>>> DSS-X profile in its status of Committee Draft, the TC has agreed to
>>>> conduct a ballot for progressing it to Committee Specification
>>>> status.
>>>> A zip file containing this document in various formats may be found
>> at:
>>>> x/download.php/28388/
>>>> The minutes of the meeting where the TC agreed to open this ballot
>>>> may be found at:
>>>> x/download.php/29567/oasis-dssx-f2f-2008-10-03-minutes-draft.doc
>>>> Thank you very much indeed for your help
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Juan Carlos
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