OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

  • 1.  PRD-02 Comments (in bulk)

    Posted 04-27-2019 06:24

    As a member of the Technical Committee, the OASIS process requires that I send my own comments to the TC directly, as opposed to using the openc2-comments mailing list. As such, I have combined all my comments
    into this single message (and, hopefully, sent them to the proper list!).
    These comments are related to Language Spec PRD-0 2 (dated April 04, 2019; PDF version).

    Section 1.4, Page 13: Should have a link to the Active Cyber Defense paper, which is

    Section 1.4, Page 13: Should have a link to the Integrated Adaptive Cyberspace Defense paper, which is

    Section 1.5.2, Page 14: The first example shown for OpenC2 in the spec is not compliant with the spec as it refers to a user_account target, which is not part of the language. The very first example that readers
    see should accurately reflect a compliant command, like a deny/file/hashes/sha256 command. I can supply an example if necessary, but using user_account definitely feels wrong to me at this spot in the document.

    Section 1.6, Page 15: The first bullet that says The OpenC2 Language Specification provides should mention the face that this is the document with something like The OpenC2 Language Specification (this document)

    Section 1.6, Page 17: The Message definition still mentions notifications, even though there is no way to do any notification style messages with this version of the spec, which is confusing.

    Section 3.1.4, Page 26: The example that says Example SetValue operation confuses me. What does operation mean in this specification? I think you are trying to show what the serialization would be for the SetValue
    example Record, but the word operation does not match anything else in the spec. Frankly, this whole section on Derived Enumerations is extremely confusing, and the example using Pixels and SetValue do not seem to have any actual meaning in cybersecurity.
    There must be an easier way to say what you are tyring to say here.

    Section 3.1.5, Page 26: Is a bit of a mess. Says All extension names must being with a namespace identifier followed by a colon . That is not accurate, or at least not clear on what you are trying to say. You
    are actually describing how extension targets are named, but you never reference the word target here, so it becomes very confusing. We basically want to say that the NSID of an official profile with not start with x- while a non-standard extension profile
    must start with x- . Then, point out clearly that the extension profile NSID is used as a field in the of the args or actuator records of an OpenC2 Command or in the results record of an OpenC2 Response. And, further, that when use in the target record
    of an OpenC2 Command, that the fully-qualified target name MUST be constructed using the NSID followed by a : and the name of the profile target, then show the example for the slpf ( slpf:rule_number ) and add another one for an x-acme extension target
    (like x-acme:container , say). The spec shows a flattening of some other places, like a reference to slpf:direction in the args record (which should actually be { args : { slpf : { direction : ingress } } } . Yet in the example for the actuator
    extension it is correct (not flattened). But, the example for the response record is wrong as well, since it has been flattened, and is not even inside the proper results record. What s going on here! So, let s make it say what I said above and keep it
    simple and consistent. The only place we flatten and use the : separator is for Target, and nowhere else.

    Section, Page 30: For Integer Serialization, the wording of the description is a bit confusing. It says that for JSON (or default serialization format), integers are converted to strings , but that is
    not true as integers are represented as the number data type in the JSON standards document. I think the comment is trying to say that JSON is not a binary format (even though clearly it is binary; it s just represented in a standard character set). So,
    please fix up the wording here to not imply that integers should be serialized as strings! It does say this later, so it s just this first paragraph that is unnecessarily wordy and inaccurate.

    Section 3.1.2, Page 24: The email constrain references RFC5322, but does not also allow for internationalized email addresses which are defined in RFC6531. Is that a conscious decision or an oversight?

    Section 3.1.2, Page 24: The hostname constrain references RFC1034, but does not also allow for internationalized hostnames which are defined in RFC5890. Is that a conscious decision or an oversight?

    Section 3.2, Page 31: The msg_type description mentions that a Message-type can include notification , even though no other mention of what a notification message would be in the spec, so it s actually impossible
    to have a compliant msg_type that is a notification , so I don t think we should mention it.

    Section 3.2, Page 32: Honestly, the initial discussion in Section 3.2 I find very confusing, since we have specified that JSON is the default encoding that everyone must support, why do we continue to describe
    things with these odd words. In any case, the entry for the to field is particularly confusing. The language spec requires that all Commands must include a to field and that field MUST be an Array Of Strings. However, the only transfer spec that we have
    cannot possibly receive an Array Of Strings as the destination address (and simply uses the HTTP standard Host field. So, does that mean that our HTTPS spec is not compliant with the Language Spec? Can we just largely get rid of this 3.2 section altogether?

    Section 3.2, Page 32: The bullets use the words producer and consumer and they are not capitalized. I expected that they should be in that context.

    Section 3.2, Page 32: The wording for the request_id field says that the language spec requires this field only if the Producer does not expect a response. The word expect here seems odd to me. Responses
    will always be sent based on the setting of the response_requested field, so are we saying that the request_id can only be not sent when the response_requested field specifically says none , otherwise it must always be sent? My person feeling is that,
    since request_id cannot be queried in any way using this spec, forcing all Producers to send it on all commands is wasteful, and we have not written our Producers to require the field. Instead, a Symantec Consumer will create a new request_id if it is not
    supplied by the Producer and return the request_id (either the one supplied or the one we create) for any and all responses. Much simpler and lighter-weight for the Consumers without forcing them to use a request_id in 1.0 when the spec does not allow you
    to query by request_id today (only by command_id, which is different).

    Section 3.3.2, Page 37: The OpenC2 Response is still including the ints and strings arrays, though I thought we had agreed to remove those once we added the more generic results map to the response. I think
    we should remove these (and fix the example to use a string array with a proper key in the results record instead).

    Section 3.3.2, Page 38: Formatting: Usage Requirements should be in bold to be consistent with the rest of the spec.

    Section, Page 39: Is it your intention that the Artifact target could be simply {} (empty)? That is what is says here, as all the fields are optional. Should you require the payload field, at least
    (or payload AND mime_type )?

    Section, Page 39: For Device target, it implies that a hostname must be specified and a device_id is optional. For Symantec s systems, the opposite is actually true. We must have a device_id. These fields
    should probably all be marked optional, and a Usage requirement statement added that you must include at least one of hostname or device_id (or both).

    Section, Page 40: Includes both a Usage Requirements and a Usage Notes section, but I think they can be combined into a single Usage Requirements section.

    Section, Page 40: The File target is currently defined as supporting an empty record as well, since all fields are marked optional. At Symantec, we typically require the hashes field to be provided
    and don t usually refer to the other fields at all. I think a reasonable Usage Requirement section can be added to the File target which says that you must supply a hashes value or one/both of the others (the name/path fields).

    Section, Page 42: The MAC Address target totally confuses me, since the Type is described as Binary (eui) . The Binary type must be serialized as Base64url, but I don t think that s right for a MAC
    Address. Proper JSON serialization for a MAC Address would be something like: 8c:85:90:72:31:af , which is closer to Binary/x in our spec, but not exactly. This format is usually described as a colon-hexadecimal format, so we should use that (it is the
    canonical format for MAC addresses).

    Section, Page 42: The Process target is another one that is valid if empty ( {} ) since everything is optional. For process, however, I would think that the Usage Requirement would say that you must
    specify the pid or one of name / executable .

    Section, Page 44: The Hashes field could be sent as an empty record since all fields are optional, so we should add a Usage Requirement section that at least one of the supported fields must be supplied.

    Section 4.1, Page 47: In other places we use a capitalized Target Specifier , but all of the bullets in this section use a lowercase s as in Target specifier . Is that intentional or an oversight?

    Section 5.3, Page 50: A conformant Producer MUST also implement JSON serialization of generated Responses.

    Section 5.3, Page 50: A conformant Consumer MUST also implement JSON serialization of received Commands.

    Section A.1, Page 51-52: Totally confuses me. Since we are requiring JSON serialization, why don t we just show JSON examples consistently? Also, JSON strings used in that example are enclosed in single-quotes,
    which is not JSON-standard. You need to use double-quetes in the content examples

    Section A.2.2, Page 53: I don t really like that you are using a battery example in the results, as the term battery is not part of any OASIS OpenC2 standardized language. I would be more excited by an actual
    slpf example response here AND a response showing the whole battery object, but enclosed inside the x-acme extension. I can provide that example for you, if you like. We REALLY need to show folks how the extension results are returned, so this is super