OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

XLIFF TC Teleconference Reminder- Tuesday @ 4pm BST / 11 EST / 8am PST /

  • 1.  XLIFF TC Teleconference Reminder- Tuesday @ 4pm BST / 11 EST / 8am PST /

    Posted 05-01-2006 21:36
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: XLIFF TC Teleconference Reminder- Tuesday @ 4pm BST / 11 EST / 8am PST /

    Tomorrow (Tuesday 2 May) we have our TC teleconference at our usual time – 4pm BST / 11am EST / 8am PST.


    I’ll send a formal agenda tomorrow morning ahead of the meeting, but please be prepared to review the revised spec and representation guides that have been sent over the past couple of days.


    Apologies for the brief note and lack of agenda but today is a public holiday in Ireland and I’ve just returned home from being away.





    Tony Jewtushenko

    Director- R&D - Product Innovator Ltd. (Ireland)

    P: +353.1.8875183; M: +353.87.2479057; W: www.productinnovator.com


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