OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  comments on latest draft

    Posted 03-28-2006 03:00
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: comments on latest draft

    Feedback - editorial nits mostly - on current draft (first sections only)



    "ebMS Message Service" or "ebMS Messaging Service"? (propose latter)


    - modify line on "ebms" actor as: "... must be able to understand the eb:Messaging

    header (qualified with the ebMS namespace)

    as well as headers that support the security and reliability features."


    - remove "an MSH MUST be able to exchange..." as that depends on conformance profiles:

    some weak profile may not require any signal exchange at all...

    replace with: "There are two types of ebMS Messages:"


    "not to carry data" --> "not to carry application data" (because errors may be

    notified to COnsumer, therefore data intended to COnsumer)


    "after all headers intended for the ebMS SOAP actor"

    replace with:

    "after all headers intended for the Receiving MSH"


    "When more than one ebMS message unit is exchanged in the same MEP instance,..."

    replace with:

    "When more than one ebMS message is exchanged in the same MEP instance, all message units concerned by

    this instance must reference each other. [just after, move up the sentence:] This referencing is done using

     the eb:RefToMessageId element."


    "This MEP involves a single ebMS user message."

    replace with:

    "This MEP involves a single ebMS user message unit, and a single ebMS user message."


    "To conform to this MEP, the user message MUST NOT relate to any other user message..."

    replace with:

    "To conform to this MEP, the user message unit MUST NOT relate to any other user message unit..."


    "This MEP involves a single ebMS user message."

    replace with:

    "This MEP involves a single ebMS user message unit."


    "To conform to this MEP the user message MUST.."

    replace with:

    "To conform to this MEP the user message unit MUST..."


    "error code "EmptyPipe"..."

    replace with:

    "error short description "EmptyPipe"..."


    " This MEP involves two ebMS user messages..."

    replace with:

    "This MEP involves two ebMS user messages units..."


    "MUST NOT relate to any other user message..."

    replace with:

    "MUST NOT relate to any other user message unit..."


    "...treated as such on receiving side."

    replace with:

    "...treated as such by a Receiving MSH."


    "A and B on the one hand, C and D on the other hand..."

    replace with:

    ""C and D on the one hand, E and F on the other hand..."


    remove this part:

    "...and their related attributes,"



    "It also controls the use of the PullRequest signal."



    "It may also define a particular message pipe for reporting errors."



    "in terms of transfer mode (Push or Pull) and also"


    Definition of @pipe is missing:


    "This OPTIONAL attribute contains a URI that identifies the message pipe to which the message is

    assigned. The absence of this element indicates the use of the default pipe. When the message is pulled,

    the value of this attribute MUST indicate the pipe requested in the PullRequest message."

    L233 (after the 1st paragraph under "Introduction" title)

    "The ebMS V3 specification is divided into two parts described in two different documents.

    Part 1 or Core Features, is the present document. Part 2, containing advanced features, is a

    separate document."

    L234: just after, insert the last paragraph of 1.1, modified as such:

    "Part 1 of this specification (Core Features) only supports a point-to-point MSH

    topology, in which no intermediaries are present. Part 2 will

    take into account topologies that contain intermediaries (e.g. hub, multi-hop), as well as those in which the

    ultimate MSH acts as a SOAP intermediary."

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