OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Re: RE: [xliff] more comments on the XLIFF DTD

  • 1.  Re: RE: [xliff] more comments on the XLIFF DTD

    Posted 01-28-2002 17:40
    Hi Eric; Ah yes, now that I know the problem is recurrent, I can see it all in the 'reveal source' of my browser, like this: ************** Then, in the interest of simplification, let's not have it present on and at all and require it to be present at the level. Eric ************** Thanks for the response, David L ************************************************************ eric@eTranslate.com wrote on 1/28/02 5:16:28 PM ************************************************************ David, I think your mail client may be broken. I'm writing in text/plain and you are having trouble viewing characters that are significant in HTML. See http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200201/msg00013.html for the mail I sent earlier: the archive copy correclty displays words you reported as missing. I suspect that the same problem is at work in the trouble you had with Christian's mail. Eric