We are using genericode in the electronic court filing specification, but I'm pretty sure we are not using column set references.
Original Message-----
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:paul.spencer@boynings.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:52 AM
To: 'Anthony B. Coates (DES)'; 'Code List Representation TC'
Subject: RE: [codelist] Genericode 1.1? - a request from CEFACT for embedded code lists in code list set documents
I can't add a lot to this. I am not using column set references, and I don't know of anyone who is. My preference would be to go for the correction before they are being used unless anyone else is known to be using them.
Original Message-----
From: Anthony B. Coates (DES) [mailto:anthony.coates@documentengineeringservices.com]
Sent: 14 April 2009 00:47
To: Code List Representation TC
Subject: Re: [codelist] Genericode 1.1? - a request from CEFACT for embedded code lists in code list set documents
Apologies that I've been so slow moving on this. I mentioned previous
that UN/CEFACT ICG had request some additions to the genericode Schema.
In particular, in the 1.0 Schema, a code list set can contain
* code lists
* references to code lists
* references to other code lists sets
UN/CEFACT ICG would like us to add
* code list sets (not just references)
To be complete, I think we could also add
* column sets (external definitions of columns and keys)
* references to column sets
I have a prototype Schema that supports this, and am working on a set of
examples to demonstrate the different ways code list sets can be
constructed. While doing that, I have found a bug in the genericode 1.0
In the 1.0 Schema, a code list reference contains
* a mandatory canonical URI
* an optional canonical version URI
* any number of location URIs
A code list set reference contains exactly the same.
However, a column set reference contains
* a mandatory canonical version URI
* any number of location URIs
This is an oversight on my part. When I made an update to the content
model for references, I apparently fixed only the code lists and code list
sets, not the column sets.
I think we should fix this, but that would make the next release of
genericode backwards incompatible. It would be a 2.0 release instead of a
1.1 release. I suspect it would only be "technically" backwards
incompatible, because I have no evidence that anyone is using column set
references at present (but I would certainly like to hear from anyone who
is). The purpose of this e-mail is to let you all know about this issue,
and to get your feedback about fixing it in the next release of genericode.
Thanks very much in advance,
Cheers, Tony.
On Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:58:38 +0100, Anthony B. Coates (Document
Engineering Services)