OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 08:01
    Hi all,
    While discussing [1] how to add comments to slides on the KOffice mailing list, 
    we noted an extension to ODF used by OpenOffice 3.2. The namespace 

  • 2.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 09:43

      I also think <officeooo:annotation> should have an identical definition to <office:annotation>, so why not change <officeooo:annotation> to the standardized <office:annotation>. I assume you have the same question.

      But what I am confusing now is that  <office:annotation> in ODF 1.2 is usable with the following elements: <table:covered-table-cell> 9.1.5, <table:table-cell> 9.1.4, <text:a> 6.1.8, <text:h> 5.1.2, <text:meta> 6.1.9, <text:meta-field> 7.5.19, <text:p> 5.1.3, <text:ruby-base> 6.4.2 and <text:span> 6.1.7. I use ODF1.2 CD5. And your example shows it is a child element of <draw:page>. So either the ODF 1.2 spec has error or your <officeooo:annotation> is not a reference implementation of <office:annotation>. I guess maybe ODF1.2 spec miss something.

    Jos van den Oever ---07/15/2010 04:01:31 PM---Hi all,


    Jos van den Oever <jos@vandenoever.info>




    07/15/2010 04:01 PM


    [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Hi all,

    While discussing [1] how to add comments to slides on the KOffice mailing list,
    we noted an extension to ODF used by OpenOffice 3.2. The namespace
    http://openoffice.org/2009/office> is used to store slide comments in OpenOffice.

    I was wondering if this namespace is being used as a staging area from where
    missing features in ODF can be pushed to the standard and if there is
    documentation on this namespace somewhere.

    The particular feature could be easily added to ODF by allowing
    <office:annotation> in <draw:page>.

         <draw:page draw:name="page1" draw:style-name="dp1" draw:master-page-
           <presentation:notes draw:style-name="dp2">
           <officeooo:annotation svg:x="1.216cm" svg:y="1.566cm">
             <text:p>Hello this is a comment.</text:p>

    The element <officeooo:annotation> seems to have an identical definition to



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  • 3.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 11:07
    On Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:42:51 am Ming Fei Jia wrote:
    > I also think 

  • 4.  RE: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 11:43
    >Yes, the example is only valid ODF because the annotation is in a different
    >namespace (officeooo). I suggest that office:annotation is allowed in draw:page
    >after presentation:notes. Perhaps someone can add it to JIRA, since i have
    >account there yet.
    http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-3022 :-)

  • 5.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 19:14
    On Thursday 15 July 2010 13:42:14 Hanssens Bart wrote:
    > >Yes, the example is only valid ODF because the annotation is in a
    > >different namespace (officeooo). I suggest that office:annotation is
    > >allowed in draw:page after presentation:notes. Perhaps someone can add it
    > >to JIRA, since i have account there yet.
    > http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-3022 :-)
    Does this mean that allowing office:annotation will be considered to get fixed 
    for ODF 1.2?
    Thorsten Zachmann

  • 6.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 20:40
    Thorsten Zachmann 

  • 7.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 21:02
    On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 14:39 -0600, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > Thorsten Zachmann 

  • 8.  RE: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 21:36
    >> In any case, I'll likely vote against adding new features at this point
    >> unless there is something of extraordinary importance.
    >Of course there is an argument to be made that this isn't a proposal to
    >add a feature but to correct an omission. office:annotation already
    >exists it is currently just not allowed in the suggested place, although
    >surely some TC members believed that office:annotation can occur in any
    While I do agree with Rob about not adding features lightly, I do think that an

  • 9.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-16-2010 04:07
    On Thursday 15 July 2010 23:35:28 Hanssens Bart wrote:
    > >> In any case, I'll likely vote against adding new features at this point
    > >> unless there is something of extraordinary importance.
    > >
    > >Of course there is an argument to be made that this isn't a proposal to
    > >add a feature but to correct an omission. office:annotation already
    > >exists it is currently just not allowed in the suggested place, although
    > >surely some TC members believed that office:annotation can occur in any
    > >content.
    > While I do agree with Rob about not adding features lightly, I do think
    > that an 

  • 10.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 22:24
    "Andreas J. Guelzow" 

  • 11.  RE: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-15-2010 17:21
    There is no such policy.  
    It may be that the OO.o team has such foreign elements and attributes in
    mind for eventual proposal to the ODF TC.  As far as I know, no such
    proposals have been made.  
    It is my understanding that anyone can make a proposal at any time.  In my
    opinion, for something such as the annotation case you encountered, it would
    seem reasonable for straightforward, easily introduced provisions to be
    defined in JIRA concurrent with the ongoing Public Review.  
    For something more elaborate, a specific proposal would need to be
    introduced and the ODF TC would deliberate on its consideration and also
    when it would be developed to specification level and introduced into ODF in
    an acceptable form.  The tendency is to defer substantial new provisions to
    ODF-next requirements, but I don't believe there is a formally-adopted
    policy to that effect.  In fact, there is a significant addition to
    provisions for encryption of whole packages that may be under consideration
    for addition to ODF 1.2 Part 3.
     - Dennis

  • 12.  Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF

    Posted 07-19-2010 10:22
    Dear TC members,
    sorry for the late response.
    Yes, OpenOffice.org did implement the enhancement to apply annotations 
    directly to OpenOffice.org Impress pages.
    At the time we (Sun's/Oracle's OpenOffice.org developer team) 
    implemented this enhancement we decided to hold back the corresponding 
    enhancement proposal to the OASIS ODF TC for the ODF specification in 
    order to not disturb the OASIS ODF TC's work to finish ODF 1.2 by just 
    another proposal.
    Our plan was and is to propose this enhancement for the next version of 
    ODF when ODF 1.2 is out.
    Best regards, Oliver.
    On 07/15/10 10:00, Jos van den Oever wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > While discussing [1] how to add comments to slides on the KOffice mailing list,
    > we noted an extension to ODF used by OpenOffice 3.2. The namespace