There is no such policy.
It may be that the OO.o team has such foreign elements and attributes in
mind for eventual proposal to the ODF TC. As far as I know, no such
proposals have been made.
It is my understanding that anyone can make a proposal at any time. In my
opinion, for something such as the annotation case you encountered, it would
seem reasonable for straightforward, easily introduced provisions to be
defined in JIRA concurrent with the ongoing Public Review.
For something more elaborate, a specific proposal would need to be
introduced and the ODF TC would deliberate on its consideration and also
when it would be developed to specification level and introduced into ODF in
an acceptable form. The tendency is to defer substantial new provisions to
ODF-next requirements, but I don't believe there is a formally-adopted
policy to that effect. In fact, there is a significant addition to
provisions for encryption of whole packages that may be under consideration
for addition to ODF 1.2 Part 3.
- Dennis
Original Message-----
From: Jos van den Oever []
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 04:07
Subject: Re: [office] OpenOffice extensions to ODF
[ ... ]
My more general question is: what is the policy wrt officeooo and is there a
policy to move things that are in there to ODF.
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