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Subject: RE: [emergency] Illogical Naming was: Re: [emergency] Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point
Outstanding input! Thanks!
Phone: (301)
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(301) 614-0581
6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
Capital Office Park
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Perhaps, as Elysa suggests, we do need to step back and define what we mean
by a sensor and a "sensed" event - or measurement - but I am sure that
this will also create a dialogue. As with most standards work, one needs to
start with agreement on semantics - terms, definitions and/or vocabulary. This
is often the most difficult aspect of standards development!
Anyway, in the OGC membership, we have a very large group of sensor
technology providers and users. The following are some definitions agreed to by
the OGC membership. They may be of use.
- Sensor
An entity capable of observing a phenomenon and returning an
observed value. A sensor can be an instrument or a living organism (e.g. a
person), but herein we concern ourselves primarily with modelling instruments,
not people.
- 4.12 Sensor Model
In line with traditional definitions, a sensor model is a type of
Location Model that allows one to georegister observations from a sensor
(particularly remote sensors).
- 4.13 (Sensor) Platform
An entity to which can be attached sensors or other platforms. A
platform has an associated local coordinate frame that can be referenced to an
external coordinate reference frame and to which the frames of attached sensors
and platforms can be referenced.
- 4.4 Measurement
An instance of a procedure to estimate of the value of a natural
phenomenon, typically involving an instrument or sensor. This is implemented as
a dynamic feature type, which has a property containing the result of the
measurement. The measurement feature also has a location, time, and reference to
the method used to determine the value. A measurement feature effectively binds
a value to a location and to a method or instrument.
- 4.5 Observed
A value describing a natural phenomenon, which may use one of a
variety of scales including nominal, ordinal, ratio and interval. The term is
used regardless of whether the value is due to an instrumental observation, a
subjective assignment or some other method of estimation or assignment.
Have at it!