OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  Registry for UBL

    Posted 04-19-2004 19:29
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Registry for UBL

    I want to plant a seed of thought for this group to use an ebXML 
    Registry/Repository implementation for the groups schemas.  That way, 
    the schema can be modified to point at it via the registry's http 
    binding.  This would allow all users to make a reference via the 
    "schemaLocation" attribute.  Since it is a persistent store, developers 
    can count on it and use the http access string to grab schema copies.
    OASIS has an ebXML Registry up and running.  All that would be required 
    is to have OASIS make a classification node for schemas of TC's and then 
    place the UB schemas into the registry.  
    This would greatly help with forwards/backwards version tracking.    I 
    volunteer to do all the work if the group agrees.
    We could also do this as a backup to the current methodology if desired.
    Duane Nickull
    Senior Standards Strategist
    Adobe Systems, Inc.

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