Greetings! We made some serious progress this morning! Chat log below. Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick **********ODF TC Chat Log - 1 August 2016********** atrick: 7 of 9 for 77% Patrick: agenda is approved Patrick: Minutes for 11 and 18 of July are approved. Patrick: Office-3667 - agreed to fix the EBNF to remove the allowance of whitespace - match the normative text Patrick: Create issue but close with note that integer type isn't necessary, applications are free to treat integers as they choose. Patrick: consent to create/close, etc Patrick: consent to Received function - create issue, note correction in second message, set for ODF 1.3 Patrick: consent RATE PayType - fold into prior discussion paytype issues on 11-July-2016 Patrick: Patrick: Add ODF 1.3 so this is not missed. Patrick: Patrick: convert to task for ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Fix for ODF 1.2 in errata and for ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Fix for ODF 1.2 in errata and for ODF 1.3 Patrick: Jos van den Oever: styleNameRef is an NCName Patrick: 3677 - set for ODF 1.3, enumerate the directions, .. Patrick: change list of value or create a new value type Patrick: Office-3676 - Jos says NCName - will that be a problem for refs Patrick: ? Patrick: No, b/c already NCNames. Patrick: Patrick: set for ODF 1.3 and errata - and change as specified. Patrick: Patrick: refer to change tracking SC Patrick: rather, close Office-3680 Patrick: Patrick: user defined indexes don't have all the features of alphabetical indexes - the first item. Patrick: Set Office-3682 to ODF-Later - first issue in mail - others can be split out if someone wants to implement them Patrick: Patrick: Fix in errata and ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Fix in errata and ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: We can create a drawing to illustrate the values - prose needs work - values are wrong as well, should 1 and 0.5. Patrick: set 3685 for 1.3. Patrick: Patrick: could allow <office:annotation> inside <office:change-info> - Patrick: set for ODF-Later -- Patrick Durusau Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): Homepage: Twitter: patrickDurusau Attachment: signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature