DTLS does seem to be the “right” answer... though I am unfamiliar with the extent of its support (e.g. I’m not aware of support directly from Java).
Setting up individual TLS sessions on each SCTP stream seems particularly unattractive.
-- Rob
amqp-bindmap@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
On Behalf Of Raphael Cohn
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:56 PM
To: John O'Hara
Cc: Kritikos, Alex;
amqp-bindmap@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: [amqp-bindmap] [SCTP Binding]
The other option is DTLS... which is supported in newer versions of OpenSSL and GnuTLS. I know very little about it.
Raphael Cohn
Chief Architect, stormmq
Secretary, OASIS AMQP Standard
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com +44 7590 675 756
UK Office:
Hamblethorpe Farm, Crag Lane, Bradley BD20 9DB, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 845 3712 567
Registered office:
16 Anchor Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JY, United Kingdom
StormMQ Limited is Registered in England and Wales under Company Number 07175657
On 29 January 2013 15:54, Raphael Cohn <
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com > wrote:
In the absence of anything else, I'd implement TLS atop SCTP as follows:-
Have a 'pair' of unidirectional streams for each required 2-way communication;
construct the pair by convention, preferably stream 0 out pairs stream 0 in, etc;
substitute alternative ssl_read / ssl_write function implementations if using OpenSSL that cal sctp_sendmsg / sctp_readmsg, and treat sctp as if it where a stream (TLS is record delimited, but that's too complex too map as openssl et al
assume a stream)
use as a pair
So... this requires TLS set up for EVERY stream pair. Slow, inefficient, etc.
Raphael Cohn
Chief Architect, stormmq
Secretary, OASIS AMQP Standard
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com +44 7590 675 756
UK Office:
Hamblethorpe Farm, Crag Lane, Bradley BD20 9DB, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 845 3712 567
Registered office:
16 Anchor Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JY, United Kingdom
StormMQ Limited is Registered in England and Wales under Company Number 07175657
On 29 January 2013 15:38, John O'Hara <
john@rjohara.com > wrote:
TLS is more interesting - would you maintain a separate TLS session
for each SCTP stream???
I know there's been some stuff written about this on the SCTP sites -
would be interesting to see where that landed.
On 29 January 2013 14:41, Raphael Cohn <
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com > wrote:
> I'd hope not... by 'special stream' I just mean that one expects to receive
> SASL then connection open on SCTP stream 0 - which always exists. After
> that, it really doesn't matter, although it would be nice to have connection
> close on stream 0. In effect, stream 0 is what you get if you bind a socket
> to SCTP w/o doing anything special. One needs some sort of convention 'at
> start up' to know how to proceed.
> Raphael Cohn
> Chief Architect, stormmq
> Secretary, OASIS AMQP Standard
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com > +44 7590 675 756
> UK Office:
> Hamblethorpe Farm, Crag Lane, Bradley BD20 9DB, North Yorkshire, United
> Kingdom
> Telephone: +44 845 3712 567
> Registered office:
> 16 Anchor Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JY, United Kingdom
> StormMQ Limited is Registered in England and Wales under Company Number
> 07175657
> StormMQ.com
> On 29 January 2013 14:29, Kritikos, Alex <
Alex.Kritikos@softwareag.com >
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a question to all… if we enforce a dedicated stream with some special
>> meaning, would that not affect future bindings to other transports? Or will
>> there be a registry / some sort of handshake to define the characteristics
>> of a special stream?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex Kritikos
>> Senior Director
>> Software AG
>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Raphael Cohn <
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com >
>> wrote:
>> Andreas,
>> Being stimulated by your questions.
>> Connection Management
>> I would prefer to have a dedicated stream for this. It's decidedly easier.
>> It's also worth noting that we can send some out-of-band data with a
>> message, such as an opaque 32-bit number. This could be an useful way to do
>> the 'We're AMQPxxxx' equivalent in SCTP. Frankly, a client star
>> Session
>> Either. The choices we make in SCTP are whether we want to make it easy to
>> take an existing implementation for TCP and make it work on SCTP (easy; just
>> use one stream and multiplex, we can have a standard in a week that can be
>> implemented in a day), or use multiple streams for multiple sessions (not
>> too hard, but more work for everyone, but with other potential advantages).
>> We might also want to consider if we ever want 'peel-off', where a stream
>> can then become its own dedicated separate socket - useful for getting
>> epoll, select, etc, to do per session events for high bandwidth sessions,
>> rather than per connection, but rather hard to get one's head round.
>> Regardless, I'm not in favour of mixing AMQP traffic on these streams with
>> other protocols. Given the lack of first class support in most network
>> eventing frameworks (epoll, etc) for per stream events, it would require
>> some truly horrible server logic.
>> Raph
>> Raphael Cohn
>> Chief Architect, stormmq
>> Secretary, OASIS AMQP Standard
raphael.cohn@stormmq.com >> +44 7590 675 756
>> UK Office:
>> Hamblethorpe Farm, Crag Lane, Bradley BD20 9DB, North Yorkshire, United
>> Kingdom
>> Telephone: +44 845 3712 567
>> Registered office:
>> 16 Anchor Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JY, United Kingdom
>> StormMQ Limited is Registered in England and Wales under Company Number
>> 07175657
>> StormMQ.com
>> On 29 January 2013 13:48, <
Andreas.Moravec@deutsche-boerse.com > wrote:
>>> Without knowledge of SCTP usage for legacy amqp versions
>>> (pre-OASIS-standard),
>>> I have more general questions:
>>> - Connection management.
>>> Need of dedicated management stream?
>>> E.g., the first stream for protocol header, open, close
>>> - Session.
>>> Each session requires its own SCTP stream?
>>> Or alternatively/additionally multiplexing like on a TCP connection?
>>> - Ordering of operations.
>>> Handling of pipelined open, simultaneous close and session end?
>>> Maybe, pipelining has to be restricted or disallowed when using
>>> multiple streams. E.g. session can only be begun after connection
>>> "open" has been acked by the counterparty's "open" and
>>> close may only be sent after ending the sessions has been acked
>>> by the counterparty's "end" for all sessions.
>>> Andreas
>>> <
robert.godfrey@jpmorgan.com > wrote on 29.01.2013 13:22:41:
>>> > So I guess my open questions on the SCTP Binding are
>>> >
>>> > 1) How do we mark initiation of the AMQP communication
>>> >
>>> > In TCP we use a header AMQPxxxx ... which TCP guarantees will arrive
>>> > before any subsequent frames. In SCTP am I correct in believing
>>> > this guarantee would only hold true if all communication was on the
>>> > same SCTP stream.
>>> >
>>> > The open frame similarly is defined as having to be sent before any
>>> > other AMQP traffic on the connection.
>>> >
>>> > 2) Framing. I believe that we can do away with the need for AMQP
>>> > Framing when using SCTP. The SCTP message carries all information
>>> > that is currently held in an AMQP frame with the exception of the
>>> > unused extended header. Are others comfortable with this approach.
>>> >
>>> > 3) Closing a connection. Similar issues to opening in that we don't
>>> > have the same total ordering guarantees. In the case of a clean
>>> > shutdown this is probably not a significant issue (all AMQP Sessions
>>> > will have been "end"ed prior to the close being issued... the peer
>>> > can take note of the close, and wait until all open sessions are
>>> > ended... or timeout after some waiting period). (There may be a
>>> > vanishingly small corner case where a sender asyncronously begins,
>>> > operates on, and ends a session... and this entire sequenec is
>>> > "overtaken" by the close).
>>> >
>>> > 4) Security... will we continue to use SASL... if so how does the
>>> > layering work. We also need to define the TLS equivalent layer.
>>> >
>>> > What other areas have I ommitted?
>>> >
>>> > -- Rob
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