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Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: Inter-Governmental Information Sharing Standards: Meeting March 8
Hey Tom, I took a look at the search tool for the GJXDD that Paul
presented last week at the meeting we attended in DC. I searched several
of the items from CAP and EDXL and think it may be a simpler way to do the
mapping. It is well done and quite easy to use. There are relatively few
vocabulary terms in our set that have to be mapped. Just thought I would
offer that up as an option. Elysa
At 08:46 AM 2/20/2005, Tom Merkle wrote:
>The only way (from my limited point of view) to leverage the other
>standards is to compare them against each other. This will enable us to
>identify areas of conflict and any gaps between the standards. I'm not
>suggesting we make any determination of which definition is correct but
>rather raising the flag of an issue between two or more standards for a
>particular term. While the comparison work may be outside the realm of
>scope for the EM TC, it is certainly within my responsibility as a
>member of NIJ CommTech and CapWIN to ensure the various disciplines can
>have data interoperability based on accepted standards.
>My findings will be shared with all interested parties so a dialogue may
>begin to harmonize (if possible) any uncovered issues. As of this moment
>no one has a good view of standards overlap or gaps. I'm sure there are
>political and turf boundaries that WILL be crossed. My focus is for the
>ultimate end user (first responder) and the well being of the public
>that they serve.
>Tom Merkle
>Phone: (301) 614-3720
>Cell Phone: (240) 375-1966
>Fax: (301) 614-0581
>6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
>Capital Office Park
>Greenbelt, MD 20770