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Subject: Re: [office] Fw: [office-accessibility] Inclusion of tables in the.odp profile for presentations
unfortunately, allowing the <table:table> element within a <draw:page>
element is not sufficient to add table support to presentations. All elements
within a <draw:page> are graphical shapes, that for instance have position
and size attributes. The <table:table> element does not have these
attributes, and therefore at the moment cannot be used as graphical shape.
Because there are alraedy applications that support tables within
presentations, it seems also to be reasonable to evaluate what their
requirements for tables are. I could for instance imagine that table cells in
a presentation may have properties that table cells in text document or
spreadsheet don't have.
So, I think the OpenDocument TC must have a closer look how tables could be
represented in OpenDocument presentations.
Since one of the deliverables of the Accessibility SC already is a list of
accessibility information that is not defined in OpenDocument, I suggest that
we add the "tables for presentations" feature to that list.
Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote On 02/22/06 19:37,:
> Wonderful. I would like to propose that we include it in Presentations
> as part of the accessibility extensions - although the benefit is beyond
> accessibility.
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
> blog:
> "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
> I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.",
> Frost
> Inactive hide details for Yue MA <>Yue MA <>
> *Yue MA <>*
> 02/22/2006 10:15 AM
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [office] Fw: [office-accessibility] Inclusion of tables in the .odp
> profile for presentations
> In spec, "8 Tables" it said "This chapter describes the table structure
> that is used for tables that are embedded within text documents and for
> spreadsheets." and in ODF schema, a draw:page does not contain a
> table:table element, which means users can not insert a table to a
> presentation page directly as they do in text document. I think an easy
> way for user to insert a table in Presentation is very useful.
> thx,
> Ma Yue,
> CSDL Workplace Client Technology, IBM China Software Development Lab
> Tel: 86-10-82782244 ext 2739, Fax:
> 86-10-82782244-2887
> Address: 2/F, DeShi Building, No.9, East Road, ShangDi, Haidian
> District, Beijing 100085, PRC
> ----- Forwarded by Yue MA/China/IBM on 2006-02-23 00:09 -----
> *Richard Schwerdtfeger
> <>*
> 2006-02-22 23:53
> To
> "" <>
> cc
>,, Robert
> Weir <>
> Subject
> [office-accessibility] Inclusion of tables in the .odp profile for
> presentations
> Michael,
> I am in the accessibility subteam for ODF.
> The accessibility subteam has discovered that ODF uses SVG to render
> tables in presentations for some office implementations of ODF 1.0. This
> is not an accessible solution.
> We would like to propose adding an ODF Table (found in writer) to
> presentations but it is not available in the profile. We will be
> converting other file formats to .odp and they will have tables. Is
> there a reason that .odp cannot inculde an ODF Table? Note: we
> understand that a spreadsheet can be embedded but this is extremely
> heavy weight. Are there technical restrictions?
> Tables are accessible because the provide structure and semantics.
> Authors can add headers for rows and columns to orient the user.
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
> blog: _
> "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
> I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.",
> Frost
Michael Brauer Phone: +49 40 23646 500
Technical Architect Software Engineering Fax: +49 40 23646 550
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