OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Standing weekly meeting for ebMS TC

  • 1.  Standing weekly meeting for ebMS TC

    Posted 10-12-2011 16:08
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    BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST PRODID:Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:GMT -0800 (Standard) / GMT -0700 (Daylight) BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16010101T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:16010101T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20111012T160816Z DTSTART;TZID="GMT -0800 (Standard) / GMT -0700 (Daylight)":20111019T113000 SUMMARY:Standing weekly meeting for ebMS TC UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000B01E157ABE88CC01000000000000000 010000000B974EF237F48C5498CE1FD786CC5BEC9 ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP=TRUE;CN="ebxml-msg @lists.oasis-open.org":MAILTO:ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org ORGANIZER;CN="Makesh Rao (marao)":MAILTO:marao@cisco.com LOCATION:webex details below DTEND;TZID="GMT -0800 (Standard) / GMT -0700 (Daylight)":20111019T123000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20121219T193000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU DESCRIPTION:Standing weekly meeting of the ebMS TC. Agenda will be publishe d before each meeting.NNThanksNMakeshNNNMakesh Rao invites you to an online meeting using WebEx.NNMeeting Number: 203 561 884NMeeting Passw ord: ebmsNN-------------------------------------------------------NTo j oin this meeting (Now from mobile devices!)N----------------------------- --------------------------N1. Go to https://ciscosales.webex.com/ciscosal es/j.php?J=203561884&PW=NZWVmZWRkYWFjN2. Enter the meeting password: ebms N3. Click "Join Now".N4. Follow the instructions that appear on your scr een.NNN---------------------------------------------------------------- NALERT:Toll-Free Dial Restrictions for (408) and (919) Area CodesN------ ----------------------------------------------------------NNThe affected toll free numbers are: (866) 432-9903 for the San Jose/Milpitas area and (866) 349-3520 for the RTP area.NNPlease dial the local access number fo r your area from the list below:N- San Jose/Milpitas (408) area: 525-68 00N- RTP (919) area: 392-3330NN-------------------------------------- ----------------- NTo join the teleconference only N-------------------- ----------------------------------- N1. Dial into Cisco WebEx (view all G lobal Access Numbers at N http://cisco.com/en/US/about/doing_business/conf erencing/index.html N2. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting Number (l isted above) or Access Code followed by the # sign. NNSan Jose, CA: +1. 408.525.6800 RTP: +1.919.392.3330 NNUS/Canada: +1.866.432.9903 United Kingdom: +44.20.8824.0117 NNIndia: +91.80.4350.1111 Germany: +49.619.67 73.9002 NNJapan: +81.3.5763.9394 China: +86.10.8515.5666NN http://www . webex.comNNCCP:+14085256800x203561884#NNIMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx s ervice includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other ma terials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, discuss your concerns with the meeting host pr ior to the start of the recording or do not join the session. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litig ation. N SEQUENCE:0 PRIORITY:5 CLASS: CREATED:20111012T160817Z LAST-MODIFIED:20111012T160817Z STATUS:CONFIRMED TRANSP:OPAQUE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INSTTYPE:1 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS:BUSY X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:FALSE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNERAPPTID:948742107 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-APPT-SEQUENCE:0 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ATTENDEE-CRITICAL-CHANGE:20111012T160816Z X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNER-CRITICAL-CHANGE:20111012T160816Z BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:REMINDER TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT00H15M00S END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR


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