OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Proposal: Add glue points to 3D objects

  • 1.  Proposal: Add glue points to 3D objects

    Posted 05-14-2007 13:53

    Add glue point to 3D objects

    Glue points are designated points on the area of a drawing object to which a connector shape can connect. A <draw:glue-point> element creates a single user-defined glue point if placed inside a drawing object element. Currently <draw:glue-point> supports almost all drawing shapes except 3D objects. The following proposal adds <draw:glue-point> to <dr3d:scene>.

    9.4.1 Scene
    <define name="dr3d-scene">
            <element name="dr3d:scene">
                    <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
                    <ref name="common-draw-caption-id-attlist"/>
                            <ref name="svg-title"/>
                            <ref name="svg-desc"/>
                            <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
                            <ref name="shapes3d"/>
                                                    <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>

    The elements that may be contained in the <dr3d:scene> element are:

    • ...
    • Glue points �C see section 9.2.19.

    Best Regards,
    Helen Yue