I agree--not a useful rule. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC
http://contrext.com On 2/23/15, 4:16 PM, "Robert D Anderson" <
robander@us.ibm.com> wrote: >In going through the coding requirements for DTDs, Kris found a >requirement from 1.2 (and earlier) that we think should be removed. >However, it involves normative language, so we want to run it by the TC >first. > >When coding structural specializations, the spec states that modules must >define the included-domains parameter entity. This is usually empty but >in some cases must have a meaningful default. See the (very short) rules >and examples here: >
http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/dtdStructuralCodingR >eq.html > >Why is this meaningless? Every specialization, whether topic or map, >structural or domain, builds on either the core topic module or the core >map module. Both of those modules define the included-domains entity: ><!ENTITY included-domains > "" >> > >When building a DTD, specialized modules must come after more general >modules -- so every module comes after either topic or map. Within a DTD, >the first definition wins. Thus, the required definition in a specialized >module can never have any effect - the first definition from topic.mod or >map.mod always wins. > >I think the straightforward change is to just remove this language, but >as with other normative rules, the TC should sign off or quietly nod in >approval before it goes away. > >Related: these entities were present in all of the 1.2 modules except the >SubjectScheme map specialization. Each of the declarations was empty, and >had no effect. They are not in the 1.3 modules we have in SVN now. Last >year when I was comparing the output of Eliot's RNG->DTD tool with the >actual shipped 1.2, I noted that extra definitions of the entity were >missing, and I couldn't figure out why. This is why - the tool >(reasonably) does not add the meaningless extra definition. > >Robert D Anderson >IBM Authoring Tools Development >Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit (
http://www.dita-ot.org/ )