OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Draft meeting minutes for July 8th meeting

    Posted 08-10-2015 20:11
    MEETING MINUTES OF EBXML MESSAGING TC MEETING 8 JULY 2015 ATTENDANCE Makesh Rao (chair) Sander Fieten (chair) Theo Kramer Jacques Durand Toon Vanhoutte AGENDA Introduction of new member Approval of previous minutes HTTP Restart Issues Introduction of new member  Toon introduces himself. He works as an integration architect at Codit, a integrator company focussing on Microsoft. Since 2014 he is involved in a project from the European Commission that uses AS4. He wants to follow closely and help develop AS4 and ebMS further. Approval of previous minutes Approval the meeting minutes of the May 13th are unanimously approved.  HTTP Restart proposal Sander has sent a proposal to the maling list for using a so-called HTTP restart function to reliable exchange large message. It extends the AS2 restart already defined in part 2 to the pull request. Its advantage is that it leaves the ebMS processing untouched. Theo notes that in recent testing they were already able to process message up to 1GB. Above that there were challenges to the availability of resources to process the large message. So Theo questions whether AS4 should be used for such large messages regardless of the function (http restart, split and join, external upload) used to transfer it. Makesh confirms that resource availability can be a challenge for large message (more than 2GB). He also sees more requests for exchange of large messages. Toon notes that it does not only help transferring large message but can also help to make exchanges of medium large message more effective. It is agreed to proceed the proposal to a working draft. Members will also look into what the implications would be to implement this. Issues Issue #84 (Namespace prefix missing in examples) is resolved, it is just a textual error. Issue #83 (How to reference payload in SOAP Body) is discussed. Jacques confirms that the text in the Core Spec that the absence of the PartInfo:href attribute reference the SOAP:Body element is incorrect and should be a reference to the first child element of the SOAP:Body element. Then there is no need to use the id of the SOAP:Body element to indicate that the payload is the child element. It is agreed that they href attribute should reference the element itself or no reference should be used at all.  Issue #82 (Incorrect notation of P-Mode parameter PMode[1].Security.X509.SignatureCertificate) is resolved, it is just a textual error. Issue #81 (Only error code for Reception Awareness mentioned) is resolved, it is just a textual error. Issue #80 (Missing P-Mode parameter for Username Token targeted to “ebms”) is resolved, proposal to add these parameters is accepted. AOB Toon asks how he can get [write] access to the issue tracker. Sander responds this needs to be requested with TC Admin. He will send a email to get it done. Theo mentioned some TC member are involved in e-Sens testing. Sander adds that the e-Sens AS4 profile is available at: http://wiki.ds.unipi.gr/display/ESENS/PR+-+AS4   Next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for August 12th.  Attachment: smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

  • 2.  RE: Draft meeting minutes for July 8th meeting

    Posted 08-11-2015 01:19
      |   view attached

    Hi All, Sander;
    Apologies – re not attending – normally midnight/early morning here in Oz;
    I do have a query re AS4 & ISO Standards based Messaging
    Has any work been done on combining ISO 20022 Message Payloads with AS4 – can anyone point me to a suitable reference for this;
    Eg usages of AS4 Collaboration settings; part properties etc and mapping of the Business header to AS4 ebMS fields
    I am after any pre-existing “canonical” standards in this area.
    David Tuke
    Enterprise Architect

    Oban Pty Ltd Ground Floor 19-23 Prospect St
    Box Hill 3128 Australia 
    ABN 18 163 365 080

    T: +61 3 9044 1702 M: 0408 017 962 F: +61 3 9044 1799

    David.Tuke@obansolutions.com.au W:

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    From: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org]
    On Behalf Of Sander Fieten
    Sent: Tuesday, 11 August 2015 6:10 AM
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Draft meeting minutes for July 8th meeting





    Makesh Rao (chair)

    Sander Fieten (chair)

    Theo Kramer

    Jacques Durand

    Toon Vanhoutte



    Introduction of new member

    Approval of previous minutes

    HTTP Restart



    Introduction of new member 

    Toon introduces himself. He works as an integration architect at Codit, a integrator company focussing on Microsoft. Since 2014 he is involved in a project from the European Commission that uses AS4. He wants to follow closely and help
    develop AS4 and ebMS further.


    Approval of previous minutes

    Approval the meeting minutes of the May 13th are unanimously approved. 


    HTTP Restart proposal

    Sander has sent a proposal to the maling list for using a so-called HTTP restart function to reliable exchange large message. It extends the AS2 restart already defined in part 2 to the pull request. Its advantage is that it leaves the
    ebMS processing untouched.


    Theo notes that in recent testing they were already able to process message up to 1GB. Above that there were challenges to the availability of resources to process the large message. So Theo questions whether AS4 should be used for such
    large messages regardless of the function (http restart, split and join, external upload) used to transfer it.

    Makesh confirms that resource availability can be a challenge for large message (more than 2GB). He also sees more requests for exchange of large messages.

    Toon notes that it does not only help transferring large message but can also help to make exchanges of medium large message more effective.


    It is agreed to proceed the proposal to a working draft. Members will also look into what the implications would be to implement this.



    Issue #84 (Namespace prefix missing in examples) is resolved, it is just a textual error.


    Issue #83 (How to reference payload in SOAP Body) is discussed. Jacques confirms that the text in the Core Spec that the absence of the PartInfo:href attribute reference the SOAP:Body element is incorrect and should be a reference to the
    first child element of the SOAP:Body element. Then there is no need to use the id of the SOAP:Body element to indicate that the payload is the child element. It is agreed that they href attribute should reference the element itself or no reference should be
    used at all. 


    Issue #82 (Incorrect notation of P-Mode parameter PMode[1].Security.X509.SignatureCertificate) is resolved, it is just a textual error.


    Issue #81 (Only error code for Reception Awareness mentioned) is resolved, it is just a textual error.


    Issue #80 (Missing P-Mode parameter for Username Token targeted to “ebms”) is resolved, proposal to add these parameters is accepted.



    Toon asks how he can get [write] access to the issue tracker. Sander responds this needs to be requested with TC Admin. He will send a email to get it done.


    Theo mentioned some TC member are involved in e-Sens testing. Sander adds that the e-Sens AS4 profile is available at:


    Next meeting

    The next meeting is scheduled for August 12th. 

  • 3.  AS4 for ISO 20022

    Posted 08-18-2015 12:54
    Hi David, I'm not aware of any profiling for ISO 20022 in the sense you describe below.   There are many other messaging protocols in financial services (FIX, PeSIT, EBICS etc.) as well as platform solutions and the only interest we got in ebXML in the past was for ebBP,  not messaging.  Financial services often like AMQP rather than SOAP-based protocols.  There is ISO 20022 6 Transport Characteristics 2009, which specifies requirements, architecture and principles for messaging. You can buy it at the ISO site. I reviewed it a few years ago to see if/how ebMS3 could address their requirements, and it does quite well, but there are some functional gaps,  in particular regarding the following concepts: - Conversation Synchronous - Delivery Order - Delivery Windows - Sending Windows - Multicast and Broadcast Casting Kind Regards, Pim On 08/11/2015 03:19 AM, David Tuke wrote: I do have a query re AS4 & ISO Standards based Messaging   Has any work been done on combining ISO 20022 Message Payloads with AS4 – can anyone point me to a suitable reference for this; Eg usages of AS4 Collaboration settings; part properties etc and mapping of the Business header to AS4 ebMS fields   I am after any pre-existing “canonical” standards in this area.   Regards,   David Tuke Enterprise Architect     Oban Pty Ltd Ground Floor 19-23 Prospect St Box Hill 3128 Australia  ABN 18 163 365 080 T: +61 3 9044 1702 M: 0408 017 962 F: +61 3 9044 1799 E: David.Tuke@obansolutions.com.au W: www.obansolutions.com.au   ***NOTICE*** This e-mail may contain confidential or legally privileged material and if you are not the intended recipient, you are advised that Oban Pty Ltd does not consent to you reading or copying the material and does not waive any confidentiality or legal privilege associated with it. This e-mail may also contain material which is protected by copyright and if you are not the intended recipient, you are advised that Oban Pty Ltd has not consented to your reproduction of the material and there is no intention to provide you with an implied licence to exercise any of the rights of the copyright owner or an authorised licensee. If you have received this e-mail in error, please advise Oban Pty Ltd immediately by return e-mail or by telephone on 61-3-9236-1900. The recipient of this e-mail is solely responsible for conducting such tests and virus scanning as may be necessary, before using any attachment, to ensure that the attachment does not contain any virus and that use of the attached materials will in no way corrupt the recipient's data or systems or those of any other person.