OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Attribute validity times

    Posted 01-27-2009 12:12
    Dear WG
    I dont know if this issue has already been discussed before by the group 
    (I suspect it might have), but we have the following problem.
    The java interface to our PDP includes validity times for each subject 
    attribute. This allows attribute assertions (SAML, X.509 etc) to be 
    validated once in our  validation software (a time consuming process 
    especially if they are signed) and then used many times for multiple 
    decisions by the PDP.
    We have added an XACML request context interface to our PDP, but now 
    when the attributes are converted into XACML subject attributes, we lose 
    the validity times that our validation software has extracted and placed 
    alongside each attribute value.
    We could produce a "hack" workaround by adding an addition validity time 
    attribute to the set of subject attributes, but in the general case each 
    subject attribute can have different validity times, especially when 
    attribute assertions are obtained from multiple attribute authorities.
    If the group has discussed this topic, what was your conclusion
    David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
    Professor of Information Systems Security
    The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
    Skype Name: davidwchadwick
    Tel: +44 1227 82 3221
    Fax +44 1227 762 811
    Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184
    Email: D.W.Chadwick@kent.ac.uk
    Home Page: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.html
    Research Web site: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/research/groups/iss/index.html
    Entrust key validation string: MLJ9-DU5T-HV8J
    PGP Key ID is 0xBC238DE5

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] Attribute validity times

    Posted 01-27-2009 14:05
    XACML is currently based entirely on a model where only the current, 
    valid attributes are presented to the PDP for each particular decision. 
    It is assumed that the PEP/context handler has already validated the 
    If your policy requirement is that an attribute be valid, for instance, 
    many countries require that a passport is valid for at least six months 
    before they let you into the country, you can model this with a specific 
    attribute, like a "passport validity end date" in this case.
    David Chadwick wrote:
    > Dear WG
    > I dont know if this issue has already been discussed before by the 
    > group (I suspect it might have), but we have the following problem.
    > The java interface to our PDP includes validity times for each subject 
    > attribute. This allows attribute assertions (SAML, X.509 etc) to be 
    > validated once in our  validation software (a time consuming process 
    > especially if they are signed) and then used many times for multiple 
    > decisions by the PDP.
    > We have added an XACML request context interface to our PDP, but now 
    > when the attributes are converted into XACML subject attributes, we 
    > lose the validity times that our validation software has extracted and 
    > placed alongside each attribute value.
    > We could produce a "hack" workaround by adding an addition validity 
    > time attribute to the set of subject attributes, but in the general 
    > case each subject attribute can have different validity times, 
    > especially when attribute assertions are obtained from multiple 
    > attribute authorities.
    > If the group has discussed this topic, what was your conclusion
    > regards
    > David

  • 3.  Re: [xacml] Attribute validity times

    Posted 01-27-2009 17:28
    Hi Erik
    the problem is when you have a chain of processing elements (PIPs, PDPs, 
    context handlers, CVSs, PEPs etc as in Globus Toolkit) and you want to 
    use the XACML request context as the standard carrier protocol between 
    each of the elements. An element somewhere in this chain has to perform 
    the attribute validity time testing. It does not have to be the PDP. But 
    the XACML RC does not allow the validity times to be packaged with each 
    Yes, you can implement the hack you mention below, where you add a new 
    validity time attribute for every RC subject attribute, but a better 
    solution would to be to change the XML to allow optional validity times 
    to accompany each attribute, with default values of start now and never 
    end. This achieves backwards compatibility, but allows validity times to 
    be incorporated naturally with attribute values.
    What do you think?
    Erik Rissanen wrote:
    > David,
    > XACML is currently based entirely on a model where only the current, 
    > valid attributes are presented to the PDP for each particular decision. 
    > It is assumed that the PEP/context handler has already validated the 
    > attributes.
    > If your policy requirement is that an attribute be valid, for instance, 
    > many countries require that a passport is valid for at least six months 
    > before they let you into the country, you can model this with a specific 
    > attribute, like a "passport validity end date" in this case.
    > Regards,
    > Erik
    > David Chadwick wrote:
    >> Dear WG
    >> I dont know if this issue has already been discussed before by the 
    >> group (I suspect it might have), but we have the following problem.
    >> The java interface to our PDP includes validity times for each subject 
    >> attribute. This allows attribute assertions (SAML, X.509 etc) to be 
    >> validated once in our  validation software (a time consuming process 
    >> especially if they are signed) and then used many times for multiple 
    >> decisions by the PDP.
    >> We have added an XACML request context interface to our PDP, but now 
    >> when the attributes are converted into XACML subject attributes, we 
    >> lose the validity times that our validation software has extracted and 
    >> placed alongside each attribute value.
    >> We could produce a "hack" workaround by adding an addition validity 
    >> time attribute to the set of subject attributes, but in the general 
    >> case each subject attribute can have different validity times, 
    >> especially when attribute assertions are obtained from multiple 
    >> attribute authorities.
    >> If the group has discussed this topic, what was your conclusion
    >> regards
    >> David
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
    Professor of Information Systems Security
    The Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
    Skype Name: davidwchadwick
    Tel: +44 1227 82 3221
    Fax +44 1227 762 811
    Mobile: +44 77 96 44 7184
    Email: D.W.Chadwick@kent.ac.uk
    Home Page: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.html
    Research Web site: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/research/groups/iss/index.html
    Entrust key validation string: MLJ9-DU5T-HV8J
    PGP Key ID is 0xBC238DE5

  • 4.  Re: [xacml] Attribute validity times

    Posted 01-27-2009 19:04
    Hi David.
    > [...]
    > Yes, you can implement the hack you mention below, where you add a new 
    > validity time attribute for every RC subject attribute, but a better 
    > solution would to be to change the XML to allow optional validity times to 
    > accompany each attribute, with default values of start now and never end. 
    > This achieves backwards compatibility, but allows validity times to be 
    > incorporated naturally with attribute values.
    I agree with (what I think) Erik was suggesting, that the PEP/PIP is really
    responsible for validity. From a policy evaluation point of view, the
    PDP assumes that any input provided to evaluating a given policy is still
    valid. A central piece of the XACML model is that the PDP is insulated
    from the rest of the world: it assumes the attributes it's provided are
    valid, and uses these to evaluate a policy.
    Put another way, XACML defines the policy processing model, not the way
    that interaction happens with the rest of the world. Yes, there is the
    context schema which defines a standard, simple XACML Request that carries
    only the core values that can drive evaluation. There's also SAML, which
    should allow you to define validity periods or other constraints on any
    attributes you need to provide. 
    We could change the Request format to include validity periods, but what
    effect would this have? It sounds to me like it would require the PDP
    to consider validity of attribute values with each use, or at the point
    in time that evaluation started, or some other metric. It would also
    mean that we'd have to have some unified notion of time in a distributed
    system, which is hard (well, provably impossible, but in practice there
    are reasonable schemes for well-connected nodes).
    I think what you really want is what SAML provides. The ability to put
    constraints on attributes up to the point where some entity queries a
    PDP for evaluation. I strongly believe that the PDP itself should not
    have any role in determining the validity of attributes presented to it,
    and that's really what we'd be talking aobut if the context schema
    itself changed.
    Erik - sorry for jumping in here :) Feel free to disagree..

  • 5.  Re: [xacml] Attribute validity times

    Posted 01-27-2009 19:37
    Hi Seth,
    I agree with you completely. Thanks for jumping in. :-)
    Seth Proctor wrote:
    > Hi David.
    >> [...]
    >> Yes, you can implement the hack you mention below, where you add a new 
    >> validity time attribute for every RC subject attribute, but a better 
    >> solution would to be to change the XML to allow optional validity times to 
    >> accompany each attribute, with default values of start now and never end. 
    >> This achieves backwards compatibility, but allows validity times to be 
    >> incorporated naturally with attribute values.
    > I agree with (what I think) Erik was suggesting, that the PEP/PIP is really
    > responsible for validity. From a policy evaluation point of view, the
    > PDP assumes that any input provided to evaluating a given policy is still
    > valid. A central piece of the XACML model is that the PDP is insulated
    > from the rest of the world: it assumes the attributes it's provided are
    > valid, and uses these to evaluate a policy.
    > Put another way, XACML defines the policy processing model, not the way
    > that interaction happens with the rest of the world. Yes, there is the
    > context schema which defines a standard, simple XACML Request that carries
    > only the core values that can drive evaluation. There's also SAML, which
    > should allow you to define validity periods or other constraints on any
    > attributes you need to provide. 
    > We could change the Request format to include validity periods, but what
    > effect would this have? It sounds to me like it would require the PDP
    > to consider validity of attribute values with each use, or at the point
    > in time that evaluation started, or some other metric. It would also
    > mean that we'd have to have some unified notion of time in a distributed
    > system, which is hard (well, provably impossible, but in practice there
    > are reasonable schemes for well-connected nodes).
    > I think what you really want is what SAML provides. The ability to put
    > constraints on attributes up to the point where some entity queries a
    > PDP for evaluation. I strongly believe that the PDP itself should not
    > have any role in determining the validity of attributes presented to it,
    > and that's really what we'd be talking aobut if the context schema
    > itself changed.
    > Erik - sorry for jumping in here :) Feel free to disagree..
    > seth
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php 