OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

October/November UBL TC calls

  • 1.  October/November UBL TC calls

    Posted 10-03-2007 20:25
    Hello UBL TC,
    As you know, we are not meeting this first week of October, since
    we always cancel meetings the week before and the week after a TC
    face-to-face.  Due to a family vacation, I will also be
    unavailable for TC calls the second and third weeks in October as
    I've checked with the UBL editors, and it appears that we have no
    urgent business requiring a meeting between now and then, so I'm
    canceling the calls we would ordinarily hold on 10, 15|16, and 17
    October.  We will hold one "work session" in the usual Pacific TC
    time slot next week (8 October in the Western hemisphere and 9
    October in the Eastern hemisphere) in order to touch base with
    anyone who has something that won't wait another couple of weeks.
    "Work session" means that it's not an official TC meeting and
    therefore doesn't count in assessing voting membership.  As usual,
    anyone on the TC is free to join the call, including people in the
    U.S. who would ordinarily participate in the Atlantic call.
    To sum up, then, our call schedule for October is as follows:
       Week of 10/01: No meetings
       Week of 10/08: Pacific call "work session"; no Atlantic call
       Week of 10/15: No meetings
       Week of 10/22: Regular schedule
       Week of 10/29: Regular schedule
    We should be on our regular call schedule the entire month of
    November, BUT note that call times will be shifting around as
    various countries do or don't switch to or from daylight saving
    time.  The U.S. goes off daylight time Sunday 4 November this
    year, so beginning the week of 5 November, in keeping with
    long-established practice, the Atlantic UBL TC call will shift
    from a starting time of 15:00 UTC to a starting time of 16:00 UTC.
    The effect of this, once everyone comes back into sync, is to
    start the Atlantic call at the same apparent time that it starts
    during the summer in the U.S. and Europe.  There's no guarantee,
    however, that the sync point will be the same for everyone in the
    Northern hemisphere, so be sure to check the worldclock URL
    provided in each week's agenda for the right time in your locale.
    The Pacific call will start at the same time that it always does
    (00:30 UTC), but for callers in the U.S., the time will appear to
    shift back an hour after 4 November.
    Confused?  Me too.  If it helps, here are the worldclock URLs for
    meetings through the end of November:
    It might be a good idea to take a look at these to see what the
    times are going to be wherever you're calling from.  And if anyone
    catches an error, please let me know....