Members of the MQTT TC, Your ballot to approve MQTT v5.0 with Non-Material Changes as a Committee Specification has passed. TC Admin will now prepare and load the CS and announce it. TC Admin JIRA ticket has been opened to track this work. We'll let you know when it is ready. Let us know if you have any questions. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Best regards, Paul **************************************************** Approve MQTT v5.0 with Non-Material Changes as a Committee Specification has closed. Ballot Title : Approve MQTT v5.0 with Non-Material Changes as a Committee Specification Question Please indicate your vote below on whether or not to approve MQTT Version 5.0 [1] with Non-Material Changes [2] as a Committee Specification. Voting Results 14 of 15 eligible voters cast their vote before the deadline. - Yes received 14 Votes - No received 0 Votes - Abstain received 0 Votes The ballot received 0 comments. Description This ballot requires a Special Majority Vote [3]. The TC roster currently lists 15 voting members. In order to pass, at least 10 members have to vote Yes and no more than 3 members may vote No. [1] URI for MQTT Version 5.0 WD18 committees/document.php? document_id=62222&wg_abbrev= mqtt [2] The Working Draft for MQTT Version 5.0 contains changes made since its last public review. The changes made are documented in committees/document.php? document_id=62224&wg_abbrev= mqtt . The TC judges these changes to be Non-Material Changes in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process ( policies-guidelines/oasis- defined-terms-2017-05-26# dNonmaterialChange ). [3] policies-guidelines/oasis- defined-terms-2017-05-26# dSpecialMajority View Results Group : OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC Date Opened : Monday, 18 December 2017 @ 5:00 pm EST Date Closed : Monday, 25 December 2017 @ 5:00 pm EST This email has been sent to 15 members of OASIS Open. Here is a list of members who were notified: Mr. Derek Fu Mr Peter Niblett Mr. Rahul Gupta Mr. Richard Coppen Mr. Allan Stockdill-Mander Dr. Andrew Banks Ken Borgendale Mr. Andrew Schofield Mr. Ian Craggs Dr. Jonathan Levell Mr. Stefan Hagen William Cox Mr. Brian Raymor Mr. Konstantin Dotchkoff Mr. Alex Kritikos Referenced Items 03156: Approve MQTT v5.0 with Non-Material Changes as a Committee Specification (17K) 2017-12-25 Download View Details -- Paul Knight - Tel: +1 781-883-1783 OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society - Document Process Analyst