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Subject: Re: [office] Re: [office-formula] Groups - 1-2-3 @Function Help File (ssfn70en.hlp) uploaded
> Can anyone
convert this .hlp file to another format, such as HTML or ODF?Sure thing, here's text:A
@@(location) -- Lets you indirectly obtain the contents of the cell
specified in location.
@ABS(x) -- Calculates the absolute (positive)
value of x.
@ACCRUED(settlement;issue;first-interest;coupon;[par];[frequency];[basis]) -- Calculates
the accrued interest for securities with periodic interest payments.
@ACCRUED2(settlement;maturity;coupon;[par];[frequency];[issue];[first];[type]) -- Calculates
the accrued interest for securities with periodic interest payments,
using Japanese conventions.
@ACOS(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) cosine using the cosine x of an angle.
@ACOSH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic cosine using the hyperbolic cosine x of an angle.
@ACOT(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) cotangent using the cotangent x of an angle.
@ACOTH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic cotangent using the hyperbolic cotangent x of an angle.
@ACSC(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) cosecant using the cosecant x of an angle.
@ACSCH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic cosecant using the hyperbolic cosecant x of an angle.
@ASEC(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) secant using the secant x of an angle.
@ASECH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic secant using the hyperbolic secant x of an angle.
@ASIN(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) sine using the sine x of an angle.
@ASINH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic sine using the hyperbolic sine x of an angle.
@ATAN(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) tangent using the tangent x of an angle. The result of @ATAN is an angle, in radians, from -p /2 through p /2.
@ATAN2(x;y) -- Calculates the arc tangent using the tangent y/x of an angle. The result of @ATAN2 is an angle, in radians, from -p through p, depending on the signs of x and y.
@ATANH(x) -- Calculates the arc (inverse) hyperbolic tangent using the hyperbolic tangent x.
@AVEDEV(list) -- Calculates the average of the absolute deviations of the values in list.
@AVG(list) -- Calculates the average of the values in list.
@BESSELI(x;n) -- Calculates the modified Bessel function of integer order In(x).
@BESSELJ(x;n) -- Calculates the Bessel function of integer order Jn(x).
@BESSELK(x;n) -- Calculates the modified Bessel function of integer order Kn(x).
@BESSELY(x;n) -- Calculates the Bessel function of integer order Yn(x), also known as the Neumann function.
@BETA(z;w) -- Calculates the beta function.
@BETAI(a;b;x) -- Returns the incomplete beta function.
@BIN2DEC(value) -- Converts a binary number to its decimal equivalent.
@BIN2HEX(value;[places]) -- Converts a binary number to its hexadecimal equivalent.
@BIN2OCT(value;[places]) -- Converts a binary number to its octal equivalent.
@BINOMIAL(trials;successes;probability;[type]) -- Calculates the binomial probability mass function or the cumulative binomial distribution.
@CELL(attribute;location) -- Returns information about the first cell in location.
@CELLPOINTER(attribute) -- Returns information about the current cell.
@CHAR(x) -- Returns the character of the Lotus Multibyte Character Set (LMBCS) that corresponds to the number x.
@CHIDIST(x;degrees-freedom;[type]) -- Calculates the chi-square distribution.
@CHITEST(range1;[range2]) -- Performs a chi-square test for independence on the data in range1, or a chi-square test for goodness of fit on the data in range1 and range2.
@CHOOSE(x;list) -- Returns the nth item from the list where n is the value of x.
@CLEAN(text) -- Removes nonprinting characters from text.
@CODE(text) -- Returns the Lotus Multibyte Character Set (LMBCS) code that corresponds to the first character in text.
@COLS(range) -- Counts the number of columns in range.
@COLUMN(range) -- Returns the number of the leftmost column in range.
@COMBIN(n;r) -- Calculates the binomial coefficient for n and r, which is the number of ways that r can be selected from n, without regard for order.
@CONFIDENCE(alpha;std;size) -- Calculates the magnitude of the confidence interval for a population mean with known standard deviation.
@CONVERT(number;from-unit;to-unit) -- Converts a value from one unit of measurement to a different unit of measurement.
@COORD(sheet;column;row;absolute) -- Creates a cell reference from values that correspond to sheet, column, and row.
@CORREL(range1;range2) -- Calculates the correlation coefficient of values in range1 and range2.
@COS(x) -- Calculates the cosine of angle x. The angle must be measured in radians.
@COSH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of angle x. The result of @COSH is a value greater than or equal to 1. The angle must be measured in radians.
@COT(x) -- Calculates the cotangent of angle x. The angle must be measured in radians.
@COTH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic cotangent of angle x. The angle must be measured in radians.
@COUNT(list) -- Counts the cells that aren't blank in a list of ranges.
@COUNTBLANK(range) -- Counts the cells in range that do not contain any letters, numbers, or spaces.
@COUNTIF(range;criteria) -- Counts the number of cells in range that meet specified criteria.
@COUPDAYBS(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates the number of days between the beginning of the coupon period that contains the settlement date and the settlement date.
@COUPDAYS(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.
@COUPDAYSNC(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates the number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date.
@COUPNCD(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates a number that represents the next coupon date after the settlement date.
@COUPNUM(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and the maturity date.
@COUPPCD(settlement;maturity;frequency;[basis]) -- Calculates a number that represents the coupon date at or immediately prior to the settlement date.
@COV(range1;range2;[type]) -- Calculates either the population or sample covariance of the values in range1 and range2.
@CRITBINOMIAL(trials;probability;alpha) -- Returns the largest integer for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to alpha.
@CSC(x) -- Calculates the cosecant of angle x. The angle must be measured in radians.
@CSCH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic cosecant of angle x. The angle must be measured in radians.
@CTERM(interest;future-value;present-value) -- Calculates the number of compounding periods required for an investment (present-value) to grow to a future-value
, earning a fixed interest rate.
@D360(start-date;end-date) -- Calculates the number of days between two date numbers, based on a 360-day year.
@DATALINK(app-name;topic-name;item-name;[format];[max-rows];[max-cols];[max-sheets]) -- Creates a DDE link to data.
@DATE(year;month;day) -- Calculates the date number for the specified year, month, and day.
@DATECONVERT(date;input-type;output-type) -- Converts a Hijri (Arabic), Farsi (Iranian), or Hebrew (Israeli) date to a Gregorian date, or vice versa. For bi-directional versions of 1-2-3 only.
@DATEDIF(start-date;end-date;format) -- Calculates the number of years, months, or days between start-date and end-date.
@DATEINFO(date;attribute) -- Returns information about a date.
@DATESTRING(date) -- Converts a date number to its equivalent date and displays it as a label using the default international date format.
@DATEVALUE(text) -- Calculates the date number for the date specified in text.
@DAVG(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the average of the values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DAY(date-number) -- Extracts the day of the month, a value from 1 through 31, from date-number.
@DAYS(start-date;end-date;[basis]) -- Calculates the number of days between start-date and end-date, using a specified day-count basis.
@DAYS360(start-date;end-date) -- Calculates the number of days between start-date and end-date, based on a 360-day year, according to the standards of the U.S. securities industry.
@DB(cost;salvage;life;period) -- Calculates the depreciation allowance of an asset using the fixed-declining balance method.
@DCOUNT(input;field;[criteria]) -- Counts the cells that aren't blank in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DDB(cost;salvage;life;period) -- Calculates the depreciation allowance of an asset using the double-declining balance method.
@DEC2BIN(value;[places]) -- Converts a decimal number to its binary equivalent.
@DEC2FRAC(decimal-amount;base) -- Converts a decimal number to a fraction.
@DEC2HEX(value;[places]) -- Converts a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent.
@DEC2OCT(value;[places]) -- Converts a decimal number to its octal equivalent.
@DECILE(tile;range) -- Returns a given decile.
@DECIMAL(hexadecimal) -- Converts a hexadecimal value to its signed decimal equivalent.
@DEGTORAD(degrees) -- Converts degrees to radians.
@DEVSQ(list) -- Calculates the sum of squared deviations of the values in list from their mean.
@DGET(input;field;[criteria]) -- Retrieves a value or label from a field of a database table that meets specified criteria.
@DISC(settlement;maturity;price;redemption;[basis]) -- Calculates the discount rate for a short-term discounted security.
@DMAX(input;field;[criteria]) -- Finds the largest value in a field of a database table that meets specified criteria.
@DMIN(input;field;[criteria]) -- Finds the smallest value in a field of a database table that meets specified criteria.
@DPURECOUNT(input;field;[criteria]) -- Counts the cells that contain values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DSTD(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the population standard deviation of the values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DSTDS(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the sample standard deviation of sample values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DSUM(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the sum of the values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DURATION(settlement;maturity;coupon;yield;[frequency];[basis]) -- Calculates the annual duration for a security that pays periodic interest.
@DVAR(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the population variance of the values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@DVARS(input;field;[criteria]) -- Calculates the variance of sample values in a field of a database table that meet specified criteria.
@EDIGIT(digit-string) -- Converts digit-string from Thai numeric characters to an Arabic numeric string.
@ERF(lower-limit;[upper-limit]) -- Calculates the error function integrated between lower-limit and upper-limit.
@ERFC(x) -- Calculates the complementary error function, integrated between x and � (infinity).
@ERFD(x) -- Calculates the derivative of the error function.
@ERR(x) -- Returns the value ERR.
@EVEN(x) -- Rounds the value x away from 0 to the nearest even integer.
@EXACT(text1;text2) -- Returns 1 (true) if text1 and text2 match exactly; otherwise returns 0 (false).
@EXP(x) -- Calculates the value of the constant e (approximately 2.718282) raised to the power x.
@EXP2(x) -- Calculates the value of the constant e (approximately 2.718282) raised to the power -(x^2).
@EXPONDIST(x;lambda;type) -- Calculates the exponential distribution.
@FACT(n) -- Calculates the factorial of n.
@FACTLN(n) -- Calculates the natural logarithm of the factorial of n.
@FALSE -- Returns the logical value 0 (false).
@FDIST(x;degrees-freedom1;degrees-freedom2;[type]) -- Calculates the F-distribution.
@FIND(search-text;text;start-number) -- Calculates the position in text at which 1-2-3 finds the first occurrence of search-text, beginning at start-number.
@FINDB(search-text;text;start-number) -- Calculates the byte position in text at which 1-2-3 finds the first occurrence of search-text, beginning at the byte position indicated by start-number.
@FISHER(x) -- Calculates the Fisher transformation of x.
@FISHERINV(y) -- Calculates the inverse of the Fisher transformation of y.
@FORECAST(x;y-range;x-range) -- Returns a forecast value for x based on the linear trend between values in y-range and x-range.
@FRAC2DEC(fractional-amount;base) -- Converts a fraction to a decimal number.
@FTEST(range1;range2) -- Performs an F-test and returns the associated probability.
@FULLP(label) -- Converts single-byte (ASCII) characters in label to corresponding Japanese double-byte characters.
@FV(payments;interest;term) -- Calculates the future value of an investment, based on a series of equal payments, earning a periodic interest rate, over the number of payment periods in term, assuming an ordinary annuity.
@FV2(payments;interest;term) -- Calculates the future value of an investment, based on a series of equal payments, earning a periodic interest rate, over the number of payment periods in term, assuming an annuity-due convention.
@FVAL(payments;interest;term;[type];[present-value]) -- Calculates the future value of an investment with a specified present-value, for either an ordinary annuity or an annuity due.
@FVAMOUNT(principal;interest;term;[frequency]) -- Returns the future value of a lump sum invested at a given rate for a given number of periods.
@GAMMA(x) -- Calculates the gamma function.
@GAMMAI(a;x;[complement]) -- Calculates the incomplete gamma function.
@GAMMALN(x) -- Calculates the natural logarithm of the gamma function.
@GEOMEAN(list) -- Calculates the geometric mean of the values in list.
@GRANDTOTAL(list) -- Calculates the sum of all cells in list that contain @SUBTOTAL in their formulas.
@HALFP(label) -- Converts the Japanese double-byte characters in label to corresponding single-byte (ASCII) characters.
@HARMEAN(list) -- Calculates the harmonic mean of the values in list.
@HEX(x) -- Converts a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent.
@HEX2BIN(value;[places]) -- Converts a hexadecimal number to its binary equivalent.
@HEX2DEC(value) -- Converts a hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent.
@HEX2OCT(value;[places]) -- Converts a hexadecimal number to its octal equivalent.
@HLOOKUP(x;range;row-offset) -- Finds the contents of the cell in a specified row of a horizontal lookup table, in the column specified by x.
@HOUR(time-number) -- Extracts the hour, a value between 0 (midnight) and 23 (23:00 or 11:00 P.M.), from time-number.
@HYPGEOMDIST(sample-successes;sample-size;population-successes;population-size) -- Calculates the hypergeometric distribution.
@IF(condition;x;y) -- Evaluates condition and returns either x if condition is true or y if condition is false.
@INDEX(range;column;row;[sheet]) -- Returns the contents of a cell in a specified column, row, and sheet of a range.
@INFO(attribute) -- Returns information about the current 1-2-3 session.
@INT(x) -- Returns the integer portion of x.
@INTRATE(settlement;maturity;investment;redemption;[basis]) -- Calculates the interest rate for a fully invested short-term security.
@IPAYMT(principal;interest;term;start-period;[end-period];[type];[future-value]) -- Calculates the cumulative interest portion of the periodic payment on a loan for a specified number of payment periods (term).
@IRATE(term;payment;present-value;[type];[future-value];[guess]) -- Calculates the periodic interest rate necessary for an annuity (present-value) to grow to a future-value over the number of compounding periods in term.
@IRR(guess;range) -- Calculates the internal rate of return (profit) for a series of cash-flow values generated by an investment.
@ISAAF(name) -- Tests whether name is a defined add-in global LotusScript function, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISAPP(name) -- Tests whether name is an add-in application that is currently in memory, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISBETWEEN(value;bound1;bound2;[inclusion]) -- Tests whether value is between bound1 and bound2, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISEMPTY(location) -- Tests whether location is a blank cell, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISERR(x) -- Tests whether x is the value ERR, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISFILE(file-name;[type]) -- Tests whether file-name is a file in memory or on disk, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISMACRO(name) -- Tests whether name is a defined add-in global LotusScript subroutine, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISNA(x) -- Tests whether x is the value NA, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISNUMBER(x) -- Tests whether x is a value, NA, ERR, or a blank cell, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISRANGE(range) -- Tests whether range is a defined range name or valid range address, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@ISSTRING(x) -- Tests whether x is text or a cell that contains a label or a formula that results in a label, and returns 1 (true) or 0 (false).
@KURTOSIS(range;[type]) -- Calculates the kurtosis of the values in range.
@LARGE(range;n) -- Finds the nth largest value in range.
@LEFT(text;n) -- Returns the first n characters in text.
@LEFTB(text;n) -- Returns the first n bytes in text.
@LENGTH(text) -- Counts the characters in text.
@LENGTHB(text) -- Counts the number of bytes in text.
@LN(x) -- Calculates the natural logarithm (base e) of x.
@LOG(x) -- Calculates the common logarithm (base 10) of x.
@LOGINV(probability;mean;standard-deviation) -- Calculates the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function.
@LOGNORMDIST(x;mean;standard-deviation) -- Calculates the cumulative lognormal distribution of x.
@LOWER(text) -- Converts all the letters in text to lowercase.
@MATCH(cell-contents;range;[type]) -- Returns the relative position of the cell in range whose contents match cell-contents.
@MAX(list) -- Finds the largest value in list.
@MAXLOOKUP(range-list) -- Returns an absolute reference to the cell that contains the largest value in a list of ranges.
@MDURATION(settlement;maturity;coupon;yield;[frequency];[basis]) -- Calculates the modified annual duration for a security that pays periodic interest.
@MEDIAN(list) -- Returns the median value in list.
@MID(text;start-number;n) -- Copies n characters from text, beginning with the character at start-number.
@MIDB(text;start-number;n) -- Copies n bytes from text, beginning with the data at byte start-number.
@MIN(list) -- Finds the smallest value in list.
@MINLOOKUP(range-list) -- Returns an absolute reference to the cell that contains the smallest value in a list of ranges.
@MINUTE(time-number) -- Extracts the minutes, a value from 0 through 59, from time-number.
@MIRR(range;discount-rate;reinvest-rate;[type]) -- Calculates the modified internal rate of return (profit) for a series of cash-flow values generated by an investment.
@MOD(x;y) -- Calculates the remainder (modulus) of x/y. The sign of the result matches the sign of x.
@MODE(list) -- Calculates the most frequently occurring value in list.
@MODULO(x;y) -- Calculates the remainder (modulus) of x/y. The sign of the result matches the sign of y.
@MONTH(date-number) -- Extracts the month, a value from 1 through 12, from date-number.
@N(range) -- Returns the entry in the first cell of range as a value. If the cell contains a label, @N returns the value 0.
@NA -- Returns the value NA (not available).
@NEGBINOMDIST(failures;successes;probability-success) -- Calculates the negative binomial distribution.
@NETWORKDAYS(start-date;end-date;[holidays-range];[weekends]) -- Calculates the number of days from start-date through end-date, excluding weekends and holidays.
@NEXTMONTH(start-date;months;[day-of-month];[basis]) -- Calculates the date number for the date that is a specified number of months before or after start-date.
@NORMAL(x;[mean];[std];[type]) -- Calculates the normal distribution function for x.
@NORMSINV(probability) -- Calculates the inverse cumulative distribution function.
@NOW -- Calculates the date number (integer portion) and time number (decimal portion) that corresponds to the current date and time on your computer's clock.
@NPER(payments;interest;future-value;[type];[present-value]) -- Calculates the number of periods required for a series of equal payments to accumulate to a future-value at a periodic interest rate.
@NPV(interest;range;[type]) -- Calculates the net present value of a series of future cash-flow values (range), discounted at a fixed periodic interest rate.
@NSUM(offset;n;list) -- Adds every nth value in list, starting at offset.
@NUMBERSTRING(number;type) -- Converts number to the spelled-out Japanese text of the number, using the format specified in type.
@OCT2BIN(value;[places]) -- Converts an octal number to its binary equivalent.
@OCT2DEC(value) -- Converts an octal number to its decimal equivalent.
@OCT2HEX(value;[places]) -- Converts an octal number to its hexadecimal equivalent.
@ODD(x) -- Rounds the value x away from 0 to the nearest odd integer.
@PAYMT(principal;interest;term;[type];[future-value]) -- Calculates the payment on a loan (principal) at a given interest rate for a specified number of payment periods (
@PERCENTILE(x;range) -- Calculates the xth sample percentile among the values in range.
@PERMUT(n;r) -- Calculates the number of ordered sequences (permutations) of r objects that can be selected from a total of n objects.
@PI -- Produces the value p (calculated at 3.14159265358979).
@PMT(principal;interest;term) -- Calculates the payment on a loan (principal) at a given interest rate for a specified number of payment periods (
term), assuming an ordinary annuity.
@PMT2(principal;interest;term) -- Calculates the payment on a loan (principal) at a given interest rate for a specified number of payment periods (
term), assuming an annuity-due convention.
@PMTC(principal;interest;term) -- Calculates the payment on a loan (principal) at a given interest rate for a specified number of payment periods (
term). Supports Canadian mortgage conventions.
@PMTI(principal;interest;term;period) -- Calculates the interest portion of a constant periodic payment.
@POISSON(x;mean;[cumulative]) -- Calculates the Poisson distribution.
@PPAYMT(principal;interest;term;start-period;[end-period];[type];[future-value]) -- Calculates the principal portion of the periodic payment on a loan (principal) at a given interest rate for a specified number of payment periods (term).
@PRANK(x;range;[places]) -- Finds the percentile of x among the values in range.
@PRICE(settlement;maturity;coupon;yield;[redemption];[frequency];[basis]) -- Calculates the price per $100 face value for securities that pay periodic interest.
@PRICE2(settlement;maturity;coupon;yield;[redemption];[basis]) -- Calculates the price per �100 face value for securities that pay periodic interest, using Japanese conventions.
@PRICEDISC(settlement;maturity;disc-rate;redemption;[basis]) -- Calculates the price per $100 face value for a discounted security.
@PRICEMAT(settlement;maturity;issue;coupon-rate;yield;[basis]) -- Calculates the price per $100 face value for a security that pays all interest at maturity.
@PROB(x-range;prob-range;lower-limit;[upper-limit]) -- Establishes a correspondence between the values in x-range and prob-range and calculates the probability that the values in x-range are between lower-limit and upper-limit.
@PRODUCT(list) -- Multiplies the values in list.
@PROPER(text) -- Capitalizes the first letter of each word in text and converts the remaining letters to lowercase.
@PUREAVG(list) -- Calculates the average of the values in list, ignoring all cells that contain labels.
@PURECOUNT(list) -- Counts the cells in a list of ranges, excluding cells that contain labels.
@PUREMAX(list) -- Finds the largest value in list, ignoring cells that contain labels.
@PUREMEDIAN(list) -- Returns the median value in list, ignoring blank cells, labels, and formulas that result in labels.
@PUREMIN(list) -- Finds the smallest value in list, ignoring all cells that contain labels.
@PURESTD(list) -- Calculates the population standard deviation of the values in list, ignoring cells that contain labels.
@PURESTDS(list) -- Calculates the sample standard deviation of the values in list, ignoring cells that contain labels.
@PUREVAR(list) -- Calculates the population variance in the values in list, ignoring cells that contain labels.
@PUREVARS(list) -- Calculates the sample population variance in the values in list, ignoring cells that contain labels.
@PV(payments;interest;term) -- Calculates the present value of an investment, based on a series of equal payments, discounted at a periodic interest rate over the periods in term, assuming an ordinary annuity.
@PV2(payments;interest;term) -- Calculates the present value of an investment, based on a series of equal payments, discounted at a periodic interest rate over the number of periods in term, assuming an annuity-due convention.
@PVAL(payments;interest;term;[type];[future-value]) -- Calculates the present value of an investment with a specified future-value, for either an ordinary annuity or an annuity due.
@PVAMOUNT(future-value;interest;term;[frequency]) -- Returns the present value of a lump sum to be received at a given number of periods in the future (term) and discounted at a given interest rate.
@QUARTILE(tile;range) -- Returns a given quartile.
@QUOTIENT(x;y) -- Calculates the result of x/y, truncated to an integer.
@RADIX(value;from-radix;to-radix;[max-length];[fraction]) -- Converts a number from any base between 1 and 100 to any other base between 1 and 100.
@RADTODEG(radians) -- Converts radians to degrees.
@RAND -- Generates a random value between 0 and 1 to 15 significant digits. Each time 1-2-3 recalculates your work, @RAND generates a new random value.
@RANDBETWEEN(first-num;second-num) -- Generates a random value between two specified numbers.
@RANGENAME(cell) -- Returns the name of the range in which cell is located.
@RANK(item;range;[order]) -- Calculates the relative size or position of a value in a range relative to other values in the range.
@RATE(future-value;present-value;term) -- Calculates the periodic interest rate necessary for an investment to grow to a future-value over the periods in term.
@RECEIVED(settlement;maturity;investment;disc-rate;[basis]) -- Calculates the total amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.
@REFCONVERT(reference) -- Converts the column or sheet letters A through IV to numbers 1 through 256, and numbers 1 through 256 to their corresponding letters.
@REGRESSION(x-range;y-range;attribute;[compute]) -- Performs multiple linear regression and returns the specified statistic.
@REPEAT(text;n) -- Duplicates text the number of times specified by n.
@REPLACE(original-text;start-number;n;new-text) -- Replaces n characters in original-text with new-text, beginning at start-number.
@REPLACEB(original-text;start-number;n;new-text) -- Replaces n bytes in original-text with new-text, beginning at byte start-number.
@RIGHT(text;n) -- Returns the last n characters in text.
@RIGHTB(text;n) -- Returns the last n bytes in text.
@ROUND(x;n) -- Rounds the value x to the nearest multiple of the power of 10 specified by n.
@ROUNDDOWN(x;[n];[direction]) -- Rounds the value x down to the nearest multiple of the power of 10 specified by n.
@ROUNDM(x;multiple;[direction]) -- Rounds the value x to the nearest multiple.
@ROUNDUP(x;[n];[direction]) -- Rounds the value x up to the nearest multiple of the power of 10 specified by n.
@ROW(range) -- Returns the number of the first row in range.
@ROWS(range) -- Counts the number of rows in range.
@RSQ(y-range;x-range) -- Calculates the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient for the values in y-range and x-range.
@S(range) -- Returns the entry in the first cell in range as a label.
@SCENARIOINFO(option;name;[creator]) -- Returns information about a version group.
@SCENARIOLAST(file-name) -- Returns the name of the last-displayed version group in a workbook during the current 1-2-3 session.
@SEC(x) -- Calculates the secant of angle x.
@SECH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic secant of angle x.
@SECOND(time-number) -- Extracts the seconds, an integer from 0 through 59, from time-number.
@SEMEAN(range) -- Calculates the standard error of the sample mean for the values in range.
@SERIESSUM(x;n;m;coefficients) -- Calculates the sum of a power series.
@SETSTRING(text;length;[alignment]) -- Returns a label that is length characters long.
@SHEET(range) -- Returns the number of the first sheet in range.
@SHEETS(range) -- Counts the number of sheets in range.
@SIGN(x) -- Returns 1 if x is a positive value, 0 if x is 0, and -1 if x is a negative value.
@SIN(x) -- Calculates the sine of angle x.
@SINH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic sine of angle x.
@SKEWNESS(range;[type]) -- Calculates the skewness of the values in range.
@SLN(cost;salvage;life) -- Calculates the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset with an initial cost, an expected useful life, and a final value of salvage, for one period.
@SMALL(range;n) -- Finds the nth smallest value in range.
@SPI(principal;interest;term;period) -- Calculates the interest portion of a periodic payment where the principal portion is the same in each period.
@SQRT(x) -- Returns the positive square root of x.
@SQRTPI(x) -- Calculates the square root of x*p.
@STANDARDIZE(x;mean;standard-deviation) -- Calculates a standardized value from a distribution characterized by mean and standard deviation.
@STD(list) -- Calculates the population standard deviation of the values in list.
@STDS(list) -- Calculates the sample standard deviation of the values in list.
@STEYX(y-range;x-range) -- Calculates the standard error of the Y estimate.
@STRING(x;n) -- Converts the value x to a label using the format specified by n.
@SUBTOTAL(list) -- Adds the values in list. Use @SUBTOTAL to indicate which cells @GRANDTOTAL should sum.
@SUBTOTALX(function-num;range1;range2;...range29) -- Uses the @function specified by function-num to calculate a result using the values in one or more ranges.
@SUM(list) -- Adds the values in list.
@SUMIF(range;criteria;[sum-range]) -- Adds the values in a range that meet specified criteria.
@SUMNEGATIVE(list) -- Sums only the negative values in list.
@SUMPOSITIVE(list) -- Sums only the positive values in list.
@SUMPRODUCT(list) -- Multiplies the values in corresponding cells in a list of ranges and then sums the products.
@SUMSQ(list) -- Calculates the sum of the squares of the values in list.
@SUMX2MY2(x-range;y-range) -- Squares the values in x-range and y-range, subtracts each y-range square from the corresponding x-range square, and then sums the results.
@SUMX2PY2(x-range;y-range) -- Squares the values in x-range and y-range, sums each square from the first range and the corresponding square from the second range, and then sums the results.
@SUMXMY2(range1;range2) -- Subtracts the values in range2 from the corresponding cells in range1, squares the differences, and then sums the results.
@SYD(cost;salvage;life;period) -- Calculates the sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation allowance of an asset for a specified period.
@TAN(x) -- Calculates the tangent of angle x.
@TANH(x) -- Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of angle x.
@TBILLEQ(settlement;maturity;disc-rate) -- Calculates the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill.
@TBILLPRICE(settlement;maturity;disc-rate) -- Calculates the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill.
@TBILLYIELD(settlement;maturity;price) -- Calculates the yield for a Treasury bill.
@TDATESTRING(date-value) -- Converts date-value to a Thai date string in short format.
@TDIGIT(digit-string) -- Converts a digit-string in Arabic numbers to an equivalent string with Thai numeric characters.
@TDIST(x;degrees-freedom;[type];[tails]) -- Calculates the Student's t-distribution.
@TDOW(date-value) -- Converts date-value to the day of the week in Thai.
@TERM(payments;interest;future-value) -- Calculates the number of periods required for a series of equal payments to accumulate a future-value at a periodic interest rate, assuming an ordinary annuity.
@TERM2(payments;interest;future-value) -- Calculates the number of periods required for a series of equal payments to accumulate a future-value at a periodic interest rate, assuming an annuity-due convention.
@TFIND(search-text;text;start-column) -- Calculates the logical Thai character position in text at which 1-2-3 finds the first occurrence of search-text, beginning at the Thai character indicated by start-column. Used with Thai character strings.
@TIME(hour;minutes;seconds) -- Calculates the time number for the specified hour, minutes, and seconds.
@TIMEVALUE(text) -- Calculates the time number for the time specified in text.
@TLDATESTRING(date-value) -- Converts date-value to a Thai date string in long format.
@TLEFT(text;n) -- Returns the first n logical Thai characters in text. Used with Thai character strings.
@TLENGTH(text) -- Counts the number of logical Thai characters in text. Used with Thai character strings.
@TMID(text;start-number;n) -- Copies n logical Thai characters from text, beginning with the Thai character at start-number. Used with Thai character strings.
@TNUMBERSTRING(number) -- Converts number to a spelled-out Thai number string.
@TODAY -- Calculates the date number that corresponds to the current date on your computer.
@TREPLACE(original-text;start-number;n;new-text) -- Replaces n logical Thai characters in original-text with new-text, beginning at start-number. Used with Thai character strings.
@TRIGHT(text;n) -- Returns the last n logical Thai characters in text. Used with Thai character strings.
@TRIM(text) -- Removes leading, trailing, and consecutive space characters from text.
@TRIMMEAN(list;percent) -- Returns the trimmed mean of the values in list.
@TRUE -- Returns the logical value 1 (true).
@TRUNC(x;[n]) -- Truncates x to the number of decimal places specified by n.
@TTEST(range1;range2;[type];[tails]) -- Performs a Student's t-test on the data in range1 and range2 and returns the associated probability.
@UPPER(text) -- Converts all the letters in text to uppercase.
@VALUE(text) -- Converts a number entered as text to its corresponding value.
@VAR(list) -- Calculates the population variance of the values in list.
@VARS(list) -- Calculates the sample population variance of the values in list.
@VDB(cost;salvage;life;start-period;end-period;[depreciation-factor];[switch]) -- Calculates the depreciation allowance of an asset for a specified period using the variable-rate declining balance method.
@VERSIONCURRENT(range) -- Returns the name of the current version in range.
@VERSIONDATA(option;cell;version-range;name;[creator]) -- Returns the contents of a specified cell in a version.
@VERSIONINFO(option;version-range;name;[creator]) -- Returns information about a version.
@VLOOKUP(x;range;column-offset) -- Finds the contents of the cell in a specified column of a vertical lookup table.
@WEEKDAY(date) -- Extracts the day of the week, an integer from 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday), from date.
@WEIBULL(x;alpha;beta;type) -- Returns information about the Weibull distribution.
@WEIGHTAVG(data-range;weights-range;[type]) -- Calculates the weighted average of values in data-range.
@WORKDAY(start-date;days;[holidays-range];[weekends]) -- Calculates the date number for the date that is a specified number of days before or after start-date.
@XINDEX(range;column-heading;row-heading;[worksheet-heading]) -- Returns the contents of a cell located at the intersection specified by column-heading, row-heading, and worksheet-heading.
@XIRR(guess;cashflows;dates) -- Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash inflows and outflows.
@XNPV(rate;cashflows;dates) -- Returns the net present value of a series of cash inflows and outflows.
@YEAR(date-number;type) -- Extracts the year, an integer from 0 (the year 1900) through 8099 (the year 9999), from date-number.
@YEARFRAC(date1;date2;[basis]) -- Calculates the fraction of a year represented by the number of days between two dates.
@YIELD(settlement;maturity;coupon;price;[redemption];[frequency];[basis]) -- Returns the yield for securities that pay periodic interest.
@YIELD2(settlement;maturity;coupon;price;[redemption];[basis]) -- Returns the yield for securities that pay periodic interest, using Japanese conventions.
@YIELDDISC(settlement;maturity;price;redemption;[basis]) -- Calculates the yield for a discounted security.
@YIELDMAT(settlement;maturity;issue;coupon-rate;price;[basis]) -- Calculates the yield for an interest-at-maturity security.
@ZTEST(range1;mean1;std1;[tails];[range2];[mean2];[std2]) -- Performs a z-test on one or two populations and returns the associated probability.
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