as said in an earlier mail, I started to update the normative and
non-normative references in the OpenFormula specification, and have made
the necessary adaptations to the bibliographic indexes and their
locations in the document.
However, there are a few items left open:
1. OpenFormula references Unicode 5.2. That's okay, but Part 1 actually
references Unicode 4.0. Since it appears not to be reasonable to
reference two different versions of Unicode, I suggest that we change
the reference in part 1 also to Unicode 5.2.
2. The descriptions of JIS contains links to:
They appear to be non normative, but do we really need them? Or would it
be an option to move them into the annotations? I'm asking because of
the "OBSOLETE" in the URI.
3. The description of ASC contains the two links:
Do we need the two? The first one does not work any longer. The 2nd one
is redirected, and on the resulting page there is just a (YEN SIGN)
behind the description of character 5C. That seems to be very little
information to justify a non normative reference, and I would like to
move the link into the annotations, too.
Best regards
Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany michael.brauer@sun.com
http://sun.com/staroffice +49 40 23646 500
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering