OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Issues to discuss next meeting (11th November)

  • 1.  Issues to discuss next meeting (11th November)

    Posted 11-04-2015 07:42
    Hi all, as agreed during our last meeting we will discuss a number of issues during our next call. I propose to discuss the next five issues next meeting: EBXMLMSG-43 : Error EBMS:0101 description enhancement EBXMLMSG-45 : PMode parameter for Key Transport algorithm EBXMLMSG-46 : Non-referenced MIME parts EBXMLMSG-47 :  MSH behaviour if TO/FROM is not recognised  EBXMLMSG-48 :  P-Mode search recommendation Also I would like to discuss a question about the use of the EncryptedKey element in the WS-Security header when no data in the message is encrypted. It seems to me this element must not be included when the message does not contain any encrypted data. The specifications however are not explicit on this, so it may be something we should profile? Regards Sander  Attachment: smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature