UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Re: Minutes for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Re: Minutes for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 02-09-2002 23:21
    Eve L. Maler wrote: > > At 05:28 PM 2/8/02 -0800, Eduardo Gutentag wrote: > > Eve L. Maler wrote: > > > Eduardo, please note the ACTION below that the SC hoped you would take > > > on. Can you positively acknowledge this? > > > >I believe there might be an error in the minutes; I have no recollection > >of volunteering for this. This may be a voice-identification issue. > > I believe people discussed this after you dropped off, and they hoped you > would be willing to take on this action item after being informed that the > task needs doing. Well, that's sneaky. Pretty good manoeuver though, to assigne this AI to someone whose only contribution was to say that arguments to the contrary were not convincing... I'd have to see how long this would take me, though. I may have to decline. > > >Talking about confusion, I have a problem with the use of the term leaf . > >For me that refers to a non-branching element, that is an element with > >attributes and data, but with no further elements contained in it. Many > >people seem to use leaf with a rather different meaning. Could someone > >explain to me what do they mean by leaf ? > > Unfortunately, I wasn't in the conversation either. I hope someone will > speak up to clarify. > > For my part, I think there's a clue in the CC structure that Mike R. > referred to in his recent message: the difference between the primary > content of a CC and its supplementary components. For an element that > directly contains characters, it would be a fairly clean and > deterministic break to say that its content should be the primary content > associated with that CC and the supplementary components should be attributes. > > However, I fear that this may offer only a false hope if, for example, some > of the supplementary components have (or would benefit from) internal > structure. > > Also, if this is such a good dividing line, it would work for non-leaf > elements as well as leaf elements. E.g., the primary content would be in > the form of some structured subelements and the supplementary components > could easily be attributes. > > I think it's time for a set of examples that's varied enough for us to test > the different scenarios. Perhaps we can extract such a thing from the > growing PartyExample. Arofan, can you speak to this? > > Eve > -- > Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190 > Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center eve.maler @ sun.com > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription > manager: < http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl > -- Eduardo Gutentag e-mail: eduardo.gutentag@Sun.COM XML Technology Center Phone: (510) 986-3651 Sun Microsystems Inc.