OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EDXL-DE

    Posted 11-10-2005 14:58
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: EDXL-DE

    Dear Committee Members,
    After reading the comments recently posted to the list on the EDXL-DE, I think we should consider retracting the ballot for both the committee spec and OASIS wide vote.  While we had a majority approval of all responses to the comments, I too don't want us to publish something that will immediately require an update.  Many thanks to everyone that has put so much into this and that work had to be done in any case.  Let's keep on working hard to get the document in final form for the Monday review.  My hope is to go through the document in that meeting page by page to insure all comments are addressed as we agreed to in the 11/7 telecon.
    I would like to continue with the discussion on the list this week to culminate in our scheduled face-to-face (with telecon access) for Monday 11/14 at the IAEM conference.  We can make a final decision then as to how to proceed with the ballot.  
    The 11/14 meeting was scheduled for 9-11 MST.  However, due to the opening ceremonies and keynote presentations at that time, I would like to change the time to 7-9 MST.  That will be 9-11 EST.  Those that will be in Phoenix for the meeting at 9 would probably already be there the night before and should be able to attend.  Please let me know if you have any problem with that time.   
    I have asked Mary McRae of OASIS to let us know what our options are with regard to the ballot.
    I will be unavailable for the day but will be back on-line Fri morning.
    Elysa Jones, Chair

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