OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  RE: [emergency]

    Posted 12-05-2003 18:48
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] <resourceDesc> (aka Issue #32)

    I think you are on to something here - we need to either change or
    clarify the word "type". Art just sent a great explanation, that helped
    me better understand what was intended. Since the word "kind" doesn't
    plug right in, how about:
    "The human readable text describing the type, such as 'map' or 'photo',
    and content of the resource file"
    On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 20:26, Rex Brooks wrote:
    > Hey, lets just change the word "typ"e to "kind" and maybe we'll lose 
    > this whole question, eh? We should bear in mind how overloaded the 
    > term "type" is. It depends on what standard or API you are working in 
    > programmatically, and whether you are working to XML or RDF, too.
    > Just a thought,
    > Rex
    > At 4:46 PM -0500 12/4/03, Poindexter, Gary W (BearingPoint) wrote:
    > >Eliot wrote:
    > >
    > >==>Example: <resourceDesc>photo of kidnapping victim</resourceDesc>
    > >
    > >In the example, the term "photo" conveys the "type" of the resource
    > >file (other examples could be of type "voice", "map", "seismometer
    > >trace" etc)<==
    > >
    > >Content "type" should not be defined by the content of the element, it
    > >should only be defined by a "type" element or type attribute such as
    > >'<resourceDesc type="photo">...' and there should be an enumeration of the
    > >allowable types (like photo, sound, map, seismometer trace, etc.)
    > >
    > >gary
    > >
    > >