My preference would be to cancel as well
Nirmal R.
On Mar 27, 2018, at 10:13 AM, Andrew Storms < > wrote:
- reschedule
or cancel would be good. I would put a slight preference on cancel since many of us will see each other at RSA anyway.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 10:03 AM, Trey Darley
< > wrote:
On 27.03.2018 16 :50:00, Brule, Joseph M wrote:
> Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold
> the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel.
Hey, Joe -
I'd reschedule or cancel.
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Director of Standards Development, New Context
gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338
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"E pur si muove!" --Galileo Galilei
Andrew Storms
VP of Security Services
P 707-477-4335
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